
正在播放-Alice's Restaurant Massacree

[00:00.000] 作词 : Arlo Guthrie
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Arlo Guthrie
[00:27.558]This song is called Alice's Restaurant, and it's about Alice, and the restaurant. (这首歌呢,叫“爱丽丝的餐厅”,它是关于爱丽丝,以及餐厅。)
[00:35.974]But Alice's Restaurant is not the name of the restaurant, (但“爱丽丝的餐厅”并非这餐厅的名字,)
[00:39.308]that's just the name of the song, and that's why I called the song, Alice's Restaurant. (它只是这歌的名字,这也是为什么我称这首歌为“爱丽丝的餐厅”。)
[00:52.207]You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant (“你想要的全都有,就在爱丽丝的餐厅里;)
[00:58.574]You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant (你想要的全都有,就在爱丽丝的餐厅里;)
[01:04.956]Walk right in it's around the back, just a half a mile from the railroad track (直接进去就在后面,离铁路只有半英里远,)
[01:11.156]An' you can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant (你想要的全都有,就在爱丽丝的餐厅里。”)
[01:18.095]Now it all started two Thanksgivings ago, was on - two years ago on Thanksgiving, (一切都始于两个感恩节之前,也就是两年前的感恩节时,)
[01:23.089]when my friend and I went up to visit Alice at the restaurant, (当我和朋友去餐厅拜访爱丽丝时,)
[01:27.155]but Alice doesn't live in the restaurant, (爱丽丝并不住在餐厅里,)
[01:29.671]she lives in the church nearby the restaurant, in the bell-tower, (她住在餐馆附近教堂的钟楼里,)
[01:34.120]with her husband Ray and Fasha the dog. (和她的丈夫雷和名为法沙的狗一起。)
[01:36.705]And livin' in the bell tower like that, (像住在这样一个钟楼里呢,)
[01:38.504]they got a lot of room downstairs where the pews used to be. (他们楼下就有很多空间,曾是用来放教堂长椅的。)
[01:42.105]An' havin' all that room, seein' as how they took out all the pews, (既然有这么多空间,鉴于他们拿走了所有的长椅,)
[01:45.638]they decided that they didn't have to take out their garbage for a long time. (他们决定很长一段时间内都没必要再清理垃圾。)
[01:51.403]We got up there, we found all the garbage in there, (我们到那里后,发现了里面这么些垃圾,)
[01:53.870]and we decided it'd be a friendly gesture for us to take the garbage down to the city dump. (我们做出了一个友善的决定:把垃圾运到城市垃圾场去。)
[01:59.587]So we took the half a ton of garbage, put it in the back of a red (所以我们带着这半吨垃圾,把它放进一辆红色的大众牌面包车后面,)
[02:03.290]VW microbus, took shovels and rakes and implements of destruction and headed on toward the city dump. (又带上上铲子、耙子和破坏工具,向城市垃圾场驶去。)
[02:12.304]Well we got there and there was a big sign and a chain across across the dump saying, "Closed on Thanksgiving." (好吧,我们到了,发现垃圾场被链子锁着,而且有一个大大的标志,上面写着:“感恩节关门。”)
[02:17.371]And we had never heard of a dump closed on Thanksgiving before, (我们以前可从没听说过垃圾场会在感恩节关门,)
[02:21.003] and with tears in our eyes we drove off into the sunset looking for another place to put the garbage. (眼中含着泪,我们驱车到日落时分,一直都在寻找另一个地方丢垃圾。)
[02:28.402]We didn't find one. Until we came to a side road, (然而一个都没找到。直到我们来到一条小路,)
[02:33.203]and off the side of the side road there was another fifteen foot cliff (就在小路边上有一个15英尺高的悬崖,)
[02:37.220]and at the bottom of the cliff there was another pile of garbage. (在悬崖的底部还有另一堆垃圾。)
[02:40.637] And we decided that one big pile is better than two little piles, (我们寻思着一大堆垃圾总比两小堆垃圾要好,)
[02:44.402] and rather than bring that one up we decided to throw ours down. (而且与其把那堆垃圾弄上来,不如把我们的也扔下去。)
[02:48.553]That's what we did, and drove back to the church, (我们真这么做了,随后开车回了教堂,)
[02:51.304]had a thanksgiving dinner that couldn't be beat, (吃了顿无与伦比的感恩节大餐后,)
[02:53.687] went to sleep and didn't get up until the next morning, (也就睡了,直到第二天早上)
[02:56.853] when we got a phone call from officer Obie. (我们接到欧比警官的电话时才起床。)
[03:03.368]He said, "Kid, we found your name on an envelope at the bottom of ab' a half a ton of garbage, (他说:“小鬼,我们在半吨垃圾下面的一个信封上找到了你的名字,)
[03:09.419]and just wanted to know if you had any information about it." (只是想知道你有没有关于它的任何信息。”)
[03:13.120]And I said, "Yes, sir, Officer Obie, I cannot tell a lie, I put that envelope under that garbage." (我说:“是的,先生,欧比警官,我不会说谎,是我把那个信封放在那堆垃圾下面的。”)
[03:23.252]After speaking to Obie for about fourty-five minutes on the telephone we finally arrived at the truth of the matter (在和欧比通了约45分钟的电话后,我们终于弄清了事情的关键,)
[03:28.836]and said, that we had to go down and pick up the garbage, (也就是说,我们得下去捡垃圾,)
[03:31.968]and also had to go down and speak to him at the police officer's station. (还不得不去警察局跟他谈一谈。)
[03:36.026] So we got in the red VW microbus with the shovels (所以我们坐上红色的大众牌面包车,)
[03:39.452] and rakes and implements of destruction and headed on toward the police officer's station. (带上上铲子、耙子和破坏工具,向警察局驶去。)
[03:43.818]Now friends, there was only one or two things (现在朋友们,只有一两件事)
[03:46.901] that Obie coulda done at the police station, (是欧比可能在警察局做的,)
[03:48.968]and the first was he coulda given us a medal for being so brave and honest on the telephone, (一是,他也许会给我们一枚奖章以表彰我们在电话里如此勇敢和诚实的表现。)
[03:53.985] which wasn't very likely, and we didn't expect it, (当然这不太可能,我们也没这么想,)
[03:56.717]and the other thing was he coulda bawled us out (另一种我们想到的可能是,他把我们喊出来)
[03:59.518]and told us never to be see driving garbage around the vicinity again, (然后告诉我们别再被看到在附近扔垃圾,)
[04:03.451]which is what we expected, but when we got to the police officer's station there was a third possibility (我们如此预想着,但当我们到达警察局时,发现还有第三种可能,)
[04:09.568] that we hadn't even counted upon, and we was both immediately arrested. (万万想不到,我俩立刻被逮捕了。)
[04:14.536]Handcuffed. And I said "Obie, I don't think I can pick up the garbage with these handcuffs on. (被铐起来了。我说:“欧比,我不认为戴着手铐还能捡垃圾。”)
[04:21.750]" He said, "Shut up, kid. Get in the back of the patrol car." (他说:“闭嘴,小鬼。进到巡逻车后面去。”)
[04:25.317]And that's what we did, sat in the back of the patrol car (于是我们也就这么做了,坐进巡逻车后座,)
[04:27.786]and drove to the quote Scene of the Crime unquote. (驶向犯罪现场。)
[04:30.934]I want tell you about the town of Stockbridge, Massachusetts, (我想告诉你一些关于马萨诸塞州斯托克布里奇镇)
[04:34.266]where this happened here, (也就是事发地的情况,)
[04:35.201]they got three stop signs, two police officers, and one police car, (他们有三个止步标志,两名警官和一辆警车,)
[04:39.668]but when we got to the Scene of the Crime there was five police officers and three police cars, (但当我们到达犯罪现场时,有五名警官和三辆警车,)
[04:45.216]being the biggest crime of the last fifty years, (作为过去50年中最大的犯罪案件)
[04:48.468]and everybody wanted to get in the newspaper story about it. (每个人都想登上报纸谈论这件事。)
[04:51.850]And they was using up all kinds of (他们用尽了所有)
[04:54.000]cop equipment that they had hangin' around the police officer's station. (他们在警察局附近的警备资源。)
[04:57.934] They was taking plaster tire tracks, foot prints, dog smelling prints, (他们正在用石膏取证那些轮胎印、脚印、狗嗅出的印记,)
[05:01.649]and they took twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy photographs with circles (拍了27张标记着圆圈箭头的8x10彩色光面照片,)
[05:06.814]and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was to be used as evidence against us. (而且每一张背后都有一段文字,用来作为针对我们证据。)
[05:14.249]Took pictures of the approach, the getaway, the northwest corner the southwest corner (拍的照片包括接近、逃逸、西北角和西南角的情况,)
[05:18.732]and that's not to mention the aerial photography. (更不用说航拍图了。)
[05:25.031]After the ordeal, we went back to the jail. Obie said he was going to put us in the cell. (经过这番折磨,我们回到了监狱。欧比说他要把我们送进牢房。)
[05:30.199]Said, "Kid, I'm going to put you in the cell, I want your wallet and your belt." (说:“小鬼,我要把你们关进牢房,给我你们的钱包和腰带。”)
[05:34.565]And I said, "Obie, I can understand you wanting my wallet (我说,“欧比,我可以理解你想要我的钱包,)
[05:36.932]so I don't have any money to spend in the cell, (这样我就没法在牢房里花钱,)
[05:39.098]but what do you want my belt for?" And he said, "Kid, we don't want any hangings." (但是你要我的腰带做什么呢?”他说:“小鬼,我们可不想看到任何的上吊行为。”)
[05:45.581] I said, "Obie, did you think I was going to hang myself for litterin'?" (我说,“欧比,你觉得我会为了乱扔垃圾而上吊吗?”)
[05:50.615] Obie said he was making sure, and friends Obie was, (欧比说他和他的朋友正在确认,)
[05:53.148]cause he took out the toilet seat so I couldn't hit myself over the head and drown, (因此他把马桶座拿了出来,以防我把自己的头撞上去并淹死,)
[05:57.064] and he took out the toilet paper so I couldn't bend the bars roll out the - roll the toilet paper out the window, (然后他把卫生纸拿了出来,以防我弯曲栏杆,把卫生纸从窗户滚出去,)
[06:03.514]slide down the roll and have an escape. (滑下滚轴并逃跑。)
[06:05.793]Obie was making sure, and it was about four or five hours later (欧比这样确认着情况,大约四五个小时后,)
[06:10.043]that Alice... Remember Alice? It's a song about Alice... Alice came by (那个爱丽丝...还记得爱丽丝吗?这是一首关于爱丽丝的歌...)
[06:16.298]and with a few nasty words to Obie on the side, (爱丽丝经过欧比身边对他说了几句脏话,)
[06:18.697] bailed us out of jail, and we went back to the church, (把我们从监狱里保释出来,然后我们回到教堂,)
[06:21.447]had a another thanksgiving dinner that couldn't be beat, and didn't get up until the next morning, (又吃了一顿无与伦比的感恩节大餐,直到第二天早上才起床,)
[06:25.930] when we all had to go to court. (也就是我们必须去法庭的时候。)
[06:30.048]We walked in, sat down, (我们走进去,坐下来。)
[06:31.829]Obie came in with the twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy pictures (欧比走进来,带着27张8x10彩色光面的)
[06:35.447]with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one, sat down. (标记着圆圈箭头且每一张背后都有文字说明的照片,坐下来)
[06:41.497]Man came in said, "All rise." We all stood up, (一个男人进来说:“全体起立。”我们都站起来,)
[06:44.329]and Obie stood up with the twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy pictures, (欧比带着27张8x10彩色光面照片站了起来,)
[06:48.129]and the judge walked in sat down with a seeing eye dog, and he sat down, we sat down. (法官带着一只导盲犬走进来坐下,他坐了下来,我们坐了下来。)
[06:54.995]Obie looked at the seeing eye dog, (欧比看了看这只导盲犬,)
[06:58.812]and then at the twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy pictures (然后瞅了瞅27张8x10彩色光面的)
[07:01.793]with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one, (标记着圆圈箭头且每一张背后都有文字说明的照片)
[07:05.146]and looked at the seeing eye dog. (又看了看这只导盲犬,)
[07:09.492]And then at twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy pictures (然后瞅了瞅27张8x10彩色光面的)
[07:12.394]with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one and began to cry, (标记着圆圈箭头且每一张背后都有文字说明的照片,开始哭起来,)
[07:16.809] 'cause Obie came to the realization that it was a typical case of American blind justice, (因为欧比开始意识到这是一个典型的美国“盲人法官”案件(双关),)
[07:21.942]and there wasn't nothing he could do about it, (而他对此无能为力,)
[07:23.860]and the judge wasn't going to look at the twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy pictures (法官并不准备看这27张8x10彩色光面的)
[07:28.809]with the circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining (标记着圆圈箭头的照片,且每一张背后都有一段文字)
[07:32.642] what each one was to be used as evidence against us. (用来解释它何以成为起诉我们的证据。)
[07:36.144]And we was fined fifty dollars and had to pick up the garbage in the snow, (我们被罚款五十美元,而且不得不在雪地里捡垃圾,)
[07:40.809]but that's not what I came to tell you about. (但这并不是我准备告诉你的。)
[07:48.394]Came to talk about the draft. (我是来谈谈征兵草案的。)
[07:53.208]They got a building down in New York City, it's called (他们在纽约市建了一个白厅街。)
[07:55.175]Whitehall Street, where you walk in, you get injected, inspected, detected, infected, neglected and selected. (走进去后,你将会被注射、被审查、被检测、被感染、被忽视以及被选择。)
[08:06.307] I went down to get my physical examination one day, (有一天我过去做了体检,)
[08:09.274]and I walked in, I sat down, got good and drunk the night before, (我走进去,坐下来,而且昨晚喝得酩酊大醉,)
[08:13.401]so I looked and felt my best when I went in that morning. (所以那天早上我去的时候,我看起来和感觉上都很好。)
[08:16.927] 'Cause I wanted to look like the all-American kid from New York City, (因为我想让自己看起来像一个来自纽约的地道美国式的年轻人,)
[08:20.694]man I wanted, I wanted to feel like the all-, (我想要成为男子汉,我想感觉就像...)
[08:23.112]I wanted to be the all American kid from New York, (我想成为,来自纽约的地道美国式的年轻人,)
[08:26.545]and I walked in, sat down, I was hung down, brung down, hung up, (我走进去,坐下来,我被吊下来,被打倒,被挂起来,)
[08:30.064]and all kinds o' mean nasty ugly things. And I waked in and sat down (以及各种刻薄、粗鲁、令人厌恶的事情。我醒来,坐了下来。)
[08:34.698]and they gave me a piece of paper, said, "Kid, see the psychiatrist, room 604." (他们给了我一张纸,上面写着:“小鬼,去604房间看精神科医生。”)
[08:40.808]And I went up there, I said, "Shrink, I want to kill. I mean, I wanna, I wanna kill. (我去了那里,我说,“医生,我想要杀人。我是说,我想,我想要杀人。)
[08:49.993]Kill. I wanna, I wanna see, I wanna see blood and gore and guts and veins in my teeth. (杀人!我想要,我想要看到,我想要看到血液,血块,内脏和静脉在我牙齿里。)
[08:56.542] Eat dead burnt bodies. I mean kill, Kill, KILL, KILL." And I started jumpin' up and down yelling, (吃掉烧死的尸体。我是说杀人,杀人,杀人,杀人!”然后我开始上蹿下跳地大叫,)
[09:06.792] "KILL, KILL," and he started jumpin' up and down with me and we was both jumping up (“杀人,杀人,”他开始和我一起上蹿下跳,我们都在上蹿下跳)
[09:11.825]and down yelling, "KILL, KILL." And the Sargent came over, pinned a medal on me, (然后大喊:“杀人,杀人!”然后萨金特走过来,把奖章别在我身上,)
[09:17.325]sent me down the hall, said, "You're our boy." (送我到大厅,说:“你是我们的男孩。”)
[09:21.107]Didn't feel too good about it. (对此我感觉并不太好。)
[09:23.624]An' I proceeded on down the hall gettin' more injections, inspections, detections, neglections (我继续在大厅里接受更多的注射、审查、检测、忽视)
[09:28.975]and all kinds of stuff that they as doin' to me at the thing there, (以及各种他们在那对我做的事,)
[09:32.673]and I was there for two hours, three hours, four hours, (我在那里呆了两个小时,三个小时,四个小时,)
[09:36.642]I was there for a long time going through all kinds of mean nasty ugly things (我在那里呆了很长时间,经历了各种刻薄、粗鲁、令人厌恶的事情。)
[09:41.003]and I was just having a tough time there, (我在那里过得很艰难,)
[09:43.970]and they was inspecting, injecting every single part of me, (他们在检查,给我的每一个部位注射,)
[09:47.537]and they was leaving no part untouched. Proceeded through, (没有留下任何完好无损的部分。)
[09:51.919]and when I finally came to the see the last man, I walked in, (继续前进,我终于见到了最后一个男人,我走了进去,)
[09:56.436]walked in sat down after a whole big thing there, and I walked up and said, (在经过这一通折腾后,我走进来坐下,然后我走上去说,)
[10:00.886]"What do you want?" He said, "Kid, we only got one question. (“你到底想要啥?”他说:“小鬼,我们只有一个问题。)
[10:05.419]Have you ever been arrested?" (你被捕过吗?”)
[10:10.202]And I proceeded to tell him the story of the Alice's Restaurant Massacre, (我继续告诉他爱丽丝餐厅惨案的故事,)
[10:14.052]with full orchestration and five part harmony and stuff like that and all the phenome... (有着完整的编曲和五部分和声,诸如此类,以及所有的现...(象))
[10:18.820]- and he stopped me right there and said, "Kid, did you ever go to court?" (他当即拦住我说:“小鬼,你曾上过法庭吗?”)
[10:25.785]And I proceeded to tell him the story of the twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy pictures (然后我继续告诉他关于27张8x10彩色光面的)
[10:30.684] with the circles and arrows and the paragraph on the back of each one, (标记着圆圈箭头且每一张背后都有文字说明的照片的故事。)
[10:33.934]and he stopped me right there and said, (他当即拦住我说,)
[10:35.803]"Kid, I want you to go and sit down on that bench that says Group W .... NOW kid!!" (“小鬼,我要你去上面写着W组的那张长椅上坐下,……现在,小鬼!!”)
[10:54.995]And I, I walked over to the, to the bench there, and there is, (我走到那边的长椅上,)
[10:59.528]Group W's where they put you if you may not be moral enough to join the army after committin' your special crime, (如果你在犯下特殊罪行后道德上不足以参军,他们会把你放在W组,)
[11:08.495] and there was all kinds of mean nasty ugly looking people on the bench there. (在那里的长椅上有各种看起来刻薄、粗鲁、丑陋的人。)
[11:15.312]Mother rapers. Father stabbers. Father rapers! (强奸母亲者、刺伤父亲者、强奸父亲者!)
[11:22.346]Father rapers sitting right there on the bench next to me! (强奸父亲的人就坐在我旁边的长椅上!)
[11:25.412]And they was mean and nasty and ugly and horrible crime-type guys sitting on the bench next to me. (他们是犯下卑鄙、下流、丑陋、可怕罪行的人,就坐在我旁边的长椅上。)
[11:33.211]And the meanest, ugliest, nastiest one, the meanest father raper of them all, (而最卑鄙、最丑陋、最下流的人,他们中最卑鄙的强奸父亲的人,)
[11:37.160] was coming over to me and he was mean 'n' ugly 'n' nasty 'n' horrible and all kind of things (他来找我的时候都很卑鄙,很丑陋,很下流,很可怕,诸如此类。)
[11:41.827] and he sat down next to me and said, "Kid, whad'ya get?" (他坐在我旁边说:“小鬼,你得到啥了?”)
[11:49.727]I said, "I didn't get nothing, I had to pay $50 and pick up the garbage." (我说:“我啥也没得到,我得付50美元而且要去捡垃圾。”)
[11:56.354]He said, "What were you arrested for, kid?" And I said, "Litterin'." (他说,“小鬼,你犯啥事被捕的?”我说,“乱扔垃圾”)
[12:01.244]And they all moved away from me on the bench there, (他们都远离了我在长凳上的位置,)
[12:04.278]and the hairy eyeball and all kinds of mean nasty things, till I said, " (“还有长毛的眼球和各种卑鄙下流的东西”直到我说)
[12:08.226]And creating a nuisance." And they all came back, shook my hand, (“以及制造麻烦事。”然后他们都回来和我握手,)
[12:11.894]and we had a great time on the bench, talkin' about crime, mother stabbing, father raping, (我们在长椅上玩得很开心,谈论着犯罪、刺伤母亲、强奸父亲,)
[12:16.644]all kinds of groovy things that we was talking about on the bench. And everything was fine, (我们在板凳上谈论的各种时髦的事情。一切都很好,)
[12:21.376]we was smoking cigarettes and all kinds of things, until the Sargent came over, (我们正抽着香烟和诸如此类的东西,直到萨金特过来,)
[12:27.626]had some paper in his hand, held it up and said. (手里拿着一些纸,举着纸说到:)
[12:30.226]"Kids, this-piece-of-paper's-got-47-words-37-sentences-58-words-we-wanna-know-details-of-the-crime-time (“小鬼们,这张纸上有47个字37个句子58个词我们想知道关于犯罪时间的细节)
[12:37.976]-of-the-crime-and-any-other-kind-of-thing-you-gotta-say-pertaining-to (-关于犯罪和任何其他你要说的)
[12:40.274]-and-about-the-crime-I-want-to-know-arresting-officer's-name (-我还想知道实施逮捕警官的名字)
[12:42.491]-and-any-other-kind-of-thing-you-gotta-say", (-还有任何其他你要说的话。”)
[12:44.075]and talked for forty-five minutes and nobody understood a word that he said, (他说了四十五分钟,没有人听懂他说的话,)
[12:48.774]but we had fun filling out the forms and playing with the pencils on the bench there, (但是我们很开心地填表格,在长椅上玩铅笔,)
[12:54.424]and I filled out the massacre with the four part harmony, and wrote it down there, just like it was, (我用四部分和声又完整描述了一遍惨剧,并把它写在那里,就像这样,)
[13:00.431]and everything was fine and I put down the pencil, (一切都很好,我放下铅笔,)
[13:03.697]and I turned over the piece of paper, and there, there on the other side, in the middle of the other side, (我把那张纸翻过来,在那里,在纸的另一面,在另一面的中间,)
[13:19.614] away from everything else on the other side, in parentheses, capital letters, quotated, read the following words: (在另一面的空白处,在圆括号引号里,我看到以下大写的单词:)
[13:40.113]("KID, HAVE YOU REHABILITATED YOURSELF?") ((“小鬼,你改过自新了吗?”))
[13:45.529]I went over to the Sargent, said, "Sargent, you got a lot a damn gall to ask me if I've rehabilitated myself, (我走到萨金特身边说:“萨金特,你这个该死的家伙问我是不是已经改过自新了,)
[13:52.479]I mean, I mean, I mean that just, I'm sittin' here on the bench, (我是说,我是说,我是说你把我发配到这长椅上,)
[13:59.230]I mean I'm sittin' here on the Group W bench, (我是说这W组的长椅上,)
[14:04.278] 'cause you want to know if I'm moral enough join the army, (只因为你想知道我是否有足够的道德去参军,)
[14:07.428]burn women, kids, houses and villages after bein' a litterbug." He looked at me and said, (把女人、孩子、房子和村庄都烧成一堆垃圾。”他看着我说,)
[14:15.163] "Kid, we don't like your kind, and we're gonna send you fingerprints off to Washington." (“小鬼,我们不喜欢你这样的人,我们会把你的指纹送到华盛顿。”)
[14:23.078]And friends, somewhere in Washington enshrined in some little folder, (朋友们啊,就在华盛顿的某个地方,存放着一些小文件夹,)
[14:28.278] is a study in black and white of my fingerprints. (一份关于我指纹的黑白研究报告就在其中。)
[14:34.111] And the only reason I'm singing you this song now is cause you may know somebody in a similar situation, (我现在给你唱这首歌的唯一原因就是你可能认识一个处境相似的人,)
[14:43.010]or you may be in a similar situation, (或者你也有类似的情况,)
[14:45.278]and if your in a situation like that there's only one thing you can do (如果你也处于这种状况下,你只能做一件事,)
[14:49.495]and that's walk into the shrink wherever you are , (不管你身在何处,你都要去看精神科医生,)
[14:53.245]just walk in say "Shrink, You can get anything you want, at Alice's restaurant.". (那就走进去说:“医生,你想要的全都有,就在爱丽丝的餐厅里。”)
[15:02.695]And walk out. You know, if one person, (然后走出来。你知道,如果一个人,)
[15:06.945]just one person does it they may think he's really sick and they won't take him. (只有一个人这样做,他们可能认为他病得很重,他们不会带走他。)
[15:13.160] And if two people, two people do it, in harmony, (如果两个人,两个人这么做,十分和谐地,)
[15:19.226]they may think they're both faggots and they won't take either of them. (他们可能会认为他们都是同性恋,他们不会带走他们中的任何一个。)
[15:24.594]And three people do it, three, can you imagine, three people walking in singin' a bar of Alice's Restaurant (然后三个人这么做,三个人,你能想象,三个人走进去唱一段“爱丽丝的餐厅”)
[15:33.710]and walking out. They may think it's an organization. (然后走出去。他们可能认为这是一个组织。)
[15:37.842] And can you, can you imagine fifty people a day, (那么你能,你能想象一天有50个人吗?)
[15:41.160]I said fifty people a day walking in singin' a bar of Alice's Restaurant and walking out. (我是说,一天有50个人走进去唱一段“爱丽丝的餐厅”然后走出去。)
[15:46.710]And friends they may thinks it's a movement. (那么朋友们,他们可能认为这是一场运动。)
[15:49.592]And that's what it is , the Alice's Restaurant Anti-Massacree Movement, (而这就是它的本质,爱丽丝餐厅反屠杀运动,)
[15:54.476]and all you got to do to join is sing it the next time it come's around on the guitar. (你要做的就是在下一次吉他演奏的时候唱起它。)
[16:01.645]With feeling. So we'll wait for it to come around on the guitar, here and sing it when it does. Here it comes. (饱含深情哦~ 那么让我们等吉他弹起这首歌,然后跟着旋律唱。就是现在。)
[16:18.976]You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant (“你想要的全都有,就在爱丽丝的餐厅里;)
[16:25.341]You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant (你想要的全都有,就在爱丽丝的餐厅里;)
[16:31.894]Walk right in it's around the back, just a half a mile from the railroad track (直接进去就在后面,离铁路只有半英里远,)
[16:38.025]You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant (你想要的全都有,就在爱丽丝的餐厅里。”)
[16:44.758]That was horrible. If you want to end war and stuff you got to sing loud. (这可太糟了。如果你想结束战争这类事情,你必须大声地唱出来。)
[16:55.109] I've been singing this song now for twenty five minutes. I could sing it for another twenty five minutes. I'm not proud... or tired. (我现在已经唱了二十五分钟了。我可以再唱二十五分钟。不是我骄傲......或者累了。)
[17:08.558]So we'll wait till it comes around again, and this time with four part harmony and feeling. (所以我们要等到旋律再次出现,这次是由四部分组成的和声,带着感情。)
[17:18.057]We're just waitin' for it to come around is what we're doing. (我们要做的就是这么等待它的到来。)
[17:31.708]All right now. (好,就是现在。)
[17:34.707]You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant (Excepting Alice) (“你想要的全都有,就在爱丽丝的餐厅里;(除了爱丽丝))
[17:41.023]You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant (你想要的全都有,就在爱丽丝的餐厅里;)
[17:46.874](I said) Walk right in it's around the back, just a half a mile from the railroad track ((我说)直接进去就在后面,离铁路只有半英里远,)
[17:53.624]You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant (你想要的全都有,就在爱丽丝的餐厅里。”)
[17:59.144]Da-da da-da da-da da-dum (哒哒哒~)
[18:01.257]At Alice's Restaurant (就在爱丽丝的餐厅里~~)


  歌曲名《Alice's Restaurant Massacree》,由 Arlo Guthrie 演唱,收录于《Alice's Restaurant [O.S.T]》专辑中。《Alice's Restaurant Massacree》下载,



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