
正在播放-Sing For The Moment

[00:00.000] 作词 : Bass, King, Mathers, Resto ...
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Jeff Bass/Eminem/Steven Victor Tallarico
[00:22.130]These ideas are nightmares to white parents (这些观念对于白人父母来说无异于噩梦)
[00:26.180]Whose worst fear is a child with dyed hair and who likes earrings (他们最怕的就是有一个染着发并喜欢佩带耳环的孩子)
[00:29.010]Like whatever they say has no bearing (就像他们的言传身教对他不起作用一样)
[00:32.000]It's so scary in a house that allows no swearing (身于一个不允许说脏话的家庭真是可怕)
[00:34.880]To see him walkin' around wit his headphones blaring (只见他戴着耳机到处走)
[00:37.880]Alone in his own zone cold and he don't care (他孑然一身,遭到冷遇,他不在乎)
[00:40.790]He's a problem child what bothers him all comes out (他是个问题儿童)
[00:43.570]When he talks about his ****ing dad walkin' out (当谈到他那该死的出走的父亲时他不吐不快)
[00:45.550]'Cuz he hates him so bad that he blocks him out (因为他恨他恨到不愿想起他)
[00:49.340]'Cuz he hates him so bad that he blocks him out (因为他恨他恨到不愿想起他)
[00:51.420]If he ever saw him again he'd prolly knock him out (但是如果让他再撞到他,他很可能会将他打翻在地)
[00:52.580]His thoughts are whacked he's mad so he's talkin' back (他的想法很疯狂,他怒火中烧,所以他开始反击)
[00:54.660]Talkin' black brainwashed from rock and rap (开始说唱,他被摇滚与说唱洗脑)
[00:57.980]He sags his pants dew-rags and a stockin' cap (他全身都是嘻哈的打扮,穿着宽松的的裤子,围着头巾,戴着绒线帽)
[01:01.109]His stepfather hit him so he socked him back (他的继父打了他,他便狠狠地回击)
[01:04.170]And broke his nose this house is a broken home (打断了他的鼻梁,这是个破碎的家庭)
[01:06.909]There's no control he just lets his emotions go- (没有约束,他率性而为)
[01:09.459]C`mon! Sing with me (Sing!) sing for the year (Sing It!) (来吧...与我一起歌唱,歌唱那一年)
[01:13.230]Sing for the laughter sing for the tear (C`mon!) (歌唱欢笑,歌唱泪水)
[01:15.290]Sing it with me just for today (与我同唱,歌唱此刻)
[01:18.409]Maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you away (可能明天仁慈的主就会带走你)
[01:27.890]Entertainment is changin' intertwinin' with gangstas (娱乐界变了,它与黑帮勾结)
[01:30.569]In the land of the killers a sinner's mind is a sanctum (在一个满是杀手的国度,人们崇拜罪人)
[01:33.239]Only ya unholy only have one homey (要么圣洁要么罪恶,我只有一个朋友)
[01:35.500]Only this gun lonely 'cuz don't anyone know me (那就是这把枪,孤独,因为没人了解我)
[01:39.239]But everybody just feels like they can relate (可是每个人都认为他们能理解)
[01:42.170]I guess words are a b***hass they can be great (文字真是很混帐,有时可以很棒)
[01:45.080]Or they can degrade or even worse they can teach hate (有时却会引人堕落,甚至会教人记恨)
[01:47.970]It's like these kids hang on every single statement we make (孩子们会牢记我说的每一句话)
[01:50.410]Like they worship us plus all the stores ship us platinum (他们崇拜我们,我们的唱片卖到白金销量)
[01:53.370]Now how the **** did this metamorphosis happen (怎么会发生这种蜕变呢?)
[01:55.410]From standin' on corners and porches just rappin' (从街头和门厅前的说唱小子)
[01:59.040]To havin' a fortune no more kissin' ass (到大红大紫,不用再拍人马屁)
[02:01.980]But then these critics crucify you journalists try to burn you (但是然后这些批评家又来抨击你,记者们恨不得要毁了你)
[02:05.099]Fans turn on you attorneys all wanna turn at you (歌迷们倒戈相向,律师们让你心惊)
[02:08.370]To get their hands on every dime you have (他们想染指你的每一分钱)
[02:11.289]They want you to lose your mind every time you mad (每次你一生气,他们都希望你会因此发疯)
[02:14.300]So they can try to make you out to look like a loose cannon (这样他们就可以将你描述成一个大炮)
[02:17.439]Any dispute don't hesitate to produce handguns (他们毫不迟疑的说你携带手枪)
[02:20.280]Thats why these prosecutors wanna convict me (这就是为什么那些检察官要严厉地控告我)
[02:23.099]Strictly just to get me offa these streets quickly (只是想尽快将我赶离那些街道)
[02:26.439]But all their kids been listen'n to me religiously (但是他们的孩子还是会一直虔诚的听着我们的音乐)
[02:28.990]So I'm signin' CDs while police fingerprint me (所以我一边给CD签名,一边还要按指纹)
[02:31.909]They're for the judge's daughter but his grudge is against me (是签给法官的女儿,但是他却恨我入骨)
[02:34.840]If I'm such a ****ing menace this shit doesn't make sense B (如果我是个威胁,PETE,这一切就太荒谬了)
[02:38.160]It's all political if my music is literal and I'm a criminal (这一切全是因为政治,如果我在音乐里所说的属实,并且我是个罪犯的话)
[02:41.210]How the **** can I raise a little girl (我还怎么去抚养我的小女儿)
[02:46.780]I couldn't I wouldn't be fit to (我不能也不适合)
[02:49.669]You're full of shit too Guerrera THAT WAS A FIST THAT HIT YOU! (你谎话连篇,袭击你的只是我的拳头而已)
[02:50.740]C`mon! Sing with me (Sing!) sing for the year (Sing It!) (来吧,跟我一起唱,歌唱那一年)
[02:53.289]Sing for the laughter sing for the tear (C`mon!) (歌唱欢笑,歌唱泪水)
[02:54.860]Sing it with me just for today (与我同唱,歌唱此刻)
[02:58.789]Maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you away (可能明天仁慈的主就会带走你)
[03:06.979]They say music can alter moods and talk to you (他们说音乐能改变人的心智,能传达信息)
[03:09.750]But can it load a gun for you and c**k it too (但是它能将枪上膛,并扣动扳机)
[03:12.710]Well if it can then the next time you assault a dude (好啊,如果它可以的话,下次你袭击了一个家伙)
[03:15.629]Just tell the judge it was my fault and I'll get sued (尽管告诉法官那是我的错,然后便等着我被起诉吧)
[03:18.509]See what these kids do is hear about us totin' pistols (看看孩子们会怎么样呢,那就是听说我携带枪支)
[03:21.210]And they wanna get one 'cuz they think the shit's cool (然后他们也想要一把,因为他们认为这样东西很酷)
[03:24.150]Not knowin' we're really just protectin' ourselves (但是他们却并不知道我们只是出于自卫)
[03:27.419]We entertainers of course this shit's affectin' our sales (作为艺人,这样的事当然会影响到我们的销量)
[03:29.449]You ignoramus but music is reflection of self (真是无知.音乐能反映一个人)
[03:32.660]We just explain it and then we get our checks in the mail (我们刚这么说,然后就收到寄来的支票)
[03:36.330]It's ****ed up ain't it how we can come from practically nothin' (这很荒谬,不是吗?)
[03:38.639]To bein' able to have any ****ing thing that we wanted (我们是如何从一无所有到要什么有什么呢?)
[03:41.289]That's why we sing for these kids that don't have a thing (这就是我为什么要为那些孩子唱歌的原因)
[03:44.710]Except for a dream and a ****ing rap magazine (那些除了梦想和一本说唱杂志之外什么都没有的孩子)
[03:47.800]Who post pin-up pictures on their walls all day long (他们老是往墙上贴些招贴画)
[03:52.169]Idolize their favorite rappers and know all they songs (崇拜着他们最喜欢的RAPPER并熟悉他们的每一首歌)
[03:54.949]Or for anyone who's ever been through shit in they lives (或是为那些生活中有过不幸经历的人们歌唱)
[03:57.960]So they sit and they cry at night wishin they die (他们会在夜深的时候哭泣,希望一死了之)
[04:00.780]Till they throw on a rap record and they sit and they vibe (直到他们找到一张说唱唱片作为支柱,然后他们开始欣赏音乐)
[04:03.840]We're nothin' to you but we the ****ing shit in their eyes (对于你们,我们什么都不是,但是在他们眼里,我们就是最棒的)
[04:06.699]That's why we seize the moment try to freeze it and own it (所以我们要抓住那个时刻,尽力拥有它)
[04:09.719]Squeeze it and hold it 'cuz we consider these minutes golden (抓牢他,因为我们认为那样的时刻很宝贵)
[04:12.080]And maybe they'll admit it when we're gone (可能等我们都死去的时候,他们才会才会承认这一点)
[04:14.830]Just let our spirits live on through our lyrics that you hear in our songs (我们的精神是不朽的,你们会通过我们歌曲中的歌词明白这一点)
[04:18.029]And we can- (我们便可以)
[04:18.910]C`mon! Sing with me (Sing!) sing for the year (Sing It!) (跟我一起唱,歌唱那一年)
[04:21.889]Sing for the laughter sing for the tear (C`mon!) (歌唱欢笑,歌唱泪水)
[04:23.910]Sing it with me just for today (与我同唱,歌唱此刻)
[04:26.620]Maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you away (可能明天仁慈的主就会带走你)
[04:36.569]C`mon! Sing with me (Sing!) sing for the year (Sing It!) (跟我一起唱,歌唱那一年)
[04:39.610]Sing for the laughter sing for the tear (C`mon!) (歌唱欢笑,歌唱泪水)
[04:42.069]Sing it with me just for today (与我同唱,歌唱此刻)
[04:44.600]Maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you away (可能明天仁慈的主就会带走你)


  歌曲名《Sing For The Moment》,由 Eminem 演唱,收录于《Sing For The Moment》专辑中。《Sing For The Moment》下载,《Sing For The Moment》在线试听,更多相关歌



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