
正在播放-Ghibli Cypher 2012 inst.

[00:17.13]SmallTownUprise (BlakTop):
[00:19.28]A young kid that can go so far (小小年纪就能走得这么远)
[00:20.78]With his boys that'll always keep they head in the stars (和他的同伴们一起,常常凝望着星空)
[00:22.79]So inspirational, to a whole body of people national (这是多么的鼓舞人心,对全民族都影响深刻)
[00:25.54]We rule our own lives, man we should be in capital (我们的生活我们说了算,我们应该成为自己的主宰者)
[00:27.80]Enough of that (够了)
[00:28.55]Song so live, it'll bring my cousin back (歌声充满活力将我的表哥带回)
[00:30.06]Like the pats, I toss them flows and then I run it back (就像我把这些拍子丢掉再拿回来)
[00:32.32]Back then people didn’t even know that I rap (那时候人们甚至不知道我在说唱)
[00:34.57]Now I'm cracking out my shell, get a hold of that (现在我要抓住beat,破茧而出)
[00:35.90]SmallTownTprise (ThePackRatKid):
[00:36.12]I’m trying to change up my life (我正尝试着改写我的生活)
[00:36.81]Take my story to a whole other page (把我的故事写到新的篇章)
[00:38.82]And I ain’t trying to stick with minimum wage (我不会止步于最低工资)
[00:40.33]I’m trying to make a career off of rhyming (我尝试将押韵成为我的事业)
[00:42.09]With sick bars and tie in real life so everyone can relate (用真实的生活故事让每个人都能有共鸣)
[00:44.60]It’s kinda crazy that I (这有点疯狂)
[00:45.85]Started age 13 in my room (我13岁时在房间里开始写歌)
[00:47.61]I never thought it would impact what I do (我从未想过它会影响我做的一切)
[00:49.11]Now I'm working my A** off (现在我在拼命的工作)
[00:50.62]We ready for blast off, and best believe we headed straight to the moon (我们准备点火升空,坚信我们会直奔月球)
[00:53.63]They gonna be seeing me soon (他们很快就会看到我的冉冉升起)
[01:10.50]Dex Amora:
[01:12.26]Forever I will be a lyricist as I promise (永远以音乐人的身份履行我许下的承诺)
[01:14.52]And you are now rockin’ with hip hop at it's finest - being honest (你正在享受最好的嘻哈音乐----真诚)
[01:16.78]I'm obviously doing something right (显然我做的很不错)
[01:19.04]Cause I be making heads nod when I grab the mic like- (因为当我拿起麦克风时,人们跟着我点头)
[01:21.54]It's probably the realness (这也许便是真诚)
[01:23.05]Me showing my skills and the fact that I'm still a kid but I don't reveal it (我露了一手但并没暴露其实我还是个孩子)
[01:26.31]Matter of fact conceal it (我用技术掩盖了它)
[01:27.31]Got my flows copyrighted cause some people tried to steal’em HA! (我的flows是受版权保护的,因为有些人试图偷走它们)
[01:30.58]And I ain’t having it (我不会容忍这种事情发生)
[01:31.58]You see I'm ravenous in every single syllable be holding it down when I spit (你看我非常贪婪的在吐露每个音节时都要憋住)
[01:34.61]It's in my blood (这已深入我的血液)
[01:35.86]A message from above (来自上天的消息)
[01:36.86]To make your heart warm with my dynamite love (用我那炸药般的爱来温暖你的心房)
[01:39.12]I'll send it over with the dove when the wind speaks (我会在风轻语时,让鸽子传递我的祝愿)
[01:41.37]If you respect the wings you'll be blessed by the beak (如果你敬仰天空,你就会得到鸟喙的祝福)
[01:43.63]I'm flying to my peak daily (我每天都在飞向我的巅峰)
[01:45.15]In-haling the thin air baring the force of nova's glare (吸入稀薄的空气,沐浴新星的光辉)
[01:56.94]I tried my best to put me on the test (我将最好的自己推上考验)
[01:58.94]I grew up thinking love was a mess (我从小到大一直认为爱情是一团乱麻)
[02:01.45]But God showed love and radiance (但是,上帝展现了爱和光辉)
[02:03.71]Come from a far more like immigrants (更像来自一个新民族)
[02:05.97]Never seen a love like this (从未见过这样的爱)
[02:08.23]Time to show grace, no more diss (是时候展现优雅,别再去羞辱了)
[02:10.48]Soak in pleasure, say goodbye (沉浸在愉悦之中而道别)
[02:12.74]To the dark, where is far tonight, (到黑暗中去,那里是遥远的今夜)
[02:14.74]One love, it’s ‘bout that one touch (一份爱,在于那一次的感动)
[02:17.51]One God, one life going to stay tough (一个上帝,一个生命要坚韧不拔)
[02:19.76]Then we never going to suffer right (我们便永远不用再受煎熬)
[02:21.52]Everybody let’s work it till we get it right (我们一起努力,直到生命美好为止)
[02:23.52]So, can I please say save my soul (所以我才能说救赎我的灵魂)
[02:25.78]When I say my prayer tonight (当我今晚祈祷之时)
[02:27.29]So let’s go, ‘cause I know that you're coming soon (所以我们出发吧,因为我知道你马上就要来了)
[02:30.54]And I’m waiting and I’m praying (我在等待,我在祈祷)
[02:42.58]Now let’s run while the sun rays illuminate the valley (让我们在阳光照耀山谷时奔跑起来)
[02:44.83]In unity we will rally; it’s you and me as we battle (团结起来我们会重新振作,这是你我的战斗)
[02:46.84]Accumulating the vision and signaling the finale (看遍人间百态,眼眺终曲)
[02:49.10]From Libya out to Saudi, from Italy down to Cali (从利比亚到沙特,从意大利到加利福尼亚)
[02:51.36]He’s knitted in the melody, the rhythm; and the ‘pella be (他沉浸在旋律、节奏和和声)
[02:53.61]Embellished with a heavenly weaponry- check the legacy (用一个神圣的武器来点缀----清点遗产)
[02:56.13]My very DNA is evidence I’m in His pedigree (我的DNA证明我拥有他的血统)
[02:58.14]Strapped with the Spirit both physically and medically (无论是在身体上还是在医学上)
[03:00.90]A sinner plagued and slain with one taste (一个自食其果的罪人)
[03:02.90]He made an about-face and came to announce “Grace” (他做了个鬼脸来宣布 "恩典")
[03:04.66]But it is not over, “Nak” with a “comma ‘and’ (但是还没有结束" Nak 画了个逗号)
[03:07.42]Hope is now alive and it be “kicking” on the sonogram (希望仍然在声谱上跳跃)
[03:09.43]But I ain’t playing when I’m boxing with a sinner’s bait (我在与罪人的诱饵搏斗时不是在戏玩)
[03:11.93]Make it meet it’s bitter fate watch as it disintegrates (我让它面对悲惨命运,旁观它的瓦解)
[03:13.94]You devils wanna “sucker punch?” I knuckle up and represent (你小子的想要来“突然的一拳吗(美少女战士)”?“我按响关节提出异议)
[03:16.19]I upper cut and sever heads and cover up the evidence (我把他们做了,把证据掩盖)
[03:35.00]Biggie had a dream, so did Martin Luther King (Biggie曾有一个梦想,马丁·路德·金也如此)
[03:37.76]And they both left a mark in this world as we have seen (如我们所见,他们都在这个世界上留下了痕迹)
[03:39.77]Documented every moment in life, as they were breathing, (他们每一个呼吸都记录下他们生命中的每一刻)
[03:42.28]From rock bottom to success, equality's true meaning (从摇滚的底层到成功,是平等的真谛)
[03:44.79]So friend, there's no worry to move with haste, we live in a place -- (所以朋友,不必匆忙,我们同处一个地方)
[03:47.05]People still see, even if they cover their face (即使他们蒙住了脸,人们依然可以看见)
[03:49.81]Negativity plays a big role in the chase (消极情绪在追逐梦想中扮演着重要角色)
[03:51.56]If you run, you might fall, but we never joined in a race (奔跑可能会摔倒,但我们从来不是在比赛)
[03:54.08]So, keep your head high, the limit isn't the sky (所以,昂起你的头,天空不是极限)
[03:56.34]We left footprints in the moon, and yes we can fly (我们在月球上留下了足迹,我们可以飞翔)
[03:58.84]You're not alone if you struggle to the bone (为了生计而苦苦挣扎的你并不孤单)
[04:00.60]As long as you find your way, to your own home (只要你找到到那条归途之路)
[04:02.86]Let go, of what's holding you back, it isn't worth it (摆脱束缚,那不值得)
[04:05.53]If it’s stopping your growth, under, inside, or out the surface (如果它阻止了你的成长,无论是在表面下,内部还是外部)
[04:07.54]Push away the obstacles instead of giving up and leaving -- (推开障碍,而不是放弃和离开)
[04:10.04]You'll be surprised to grasp dreams even if you aren't sleeping (你会惊奇的发现你抓住了梦想,即便这不在梦里)


  歌曲名《Ghibli Cypher 2012 inst.》,由 Elyon Beats 演唱,收录于《Ghibli Cypher 2012》专辑中。《Ghibli Cypher 2012 inst.》下载,《Ghibli Cypher 20



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