
正在播放-Mass Appeal

[00:15.32][00:10.34][00:05.19][00:00.21]Money's growing like grass with the mass appeal (植物色绿油油的纸币饕餮着伴随着人们无穷无尽的欲望)
[00:19.09]No way you'll never make it (不可能, 你永远都没办法做到)
[00:20.96]Come with the weak ************t, I break kids (来呀, 带着你的孱弱不堪, 我可不怜香惜玉)
[00:23.08]Step into my zone, mad rhymes will stifle ya (来到我的地盘, 疯狂的韵律会使你窒息)
[00:25.36]Lines like rifles go blast when I kick some ass (我收拾这帮宵小时, 灵感涌出像扫射的来福(枪))
[00:27.80]A lot of rappers be like one time wonders (很多饶舌歌者只是名噪一时,昙花一现)
[00:30.39]Couldn't say a fly rhyme if there was one right under (如果不是大海捞针的努力, 连个能看过眼的作品都没有)
[00:32.62]Their noses, I hate those mother****** posers (那些人示人鼻息的动作, 我恨惨了他们这群只会摆花架子的瘪三儿)
[00:35.30]But I'm so real to them it's scary (但是我只是真是的做我自己, 让他们感到威慑了吧)
[00:37.49]And with my unique skills nag you can't compare me (我的才华举世无双, 无可比拟)
[00:40.21]And no we don't make wack tracks (并且不,我们不会糟蹋智慧的结晶)
[00:42.45]And all the suckers get pushed back when I'm kickin real facts (那些狗腿子们变得畏畏缩缩,当我说出真相)
[00:45.30]I represent set up ************t like a tent boy (我就像一个帮着他们数着自己被卖的钱的合伙人)
[00:47.81]You're paranoid cause you're my son like elroy (你是个妄想症患者, 因为你就像我的儿艾若伊)
[00:50.35]And you'd be happy as hell to get a record deal (你会因为成交了一张唱片欢欣雀跃,歌舞升平)
[00:52.99]Maybe your soul you'd sell to have mass appeal (也许是出卖你灵魂这件事情让你觉得着迷)
[01:00.29][00:55.61]Money's growing like grass with the mass appeal (植物色绿油油的纸币飘舞着伴随着人们无穷无尽的欲望)
[01:04.41]Oh yes I'm greater than all mc's when I breeeze give me room please (噢, 是啊,没错, 我比所有的说唱歌手都有能耐, 凭借我做事不费吹灰之力)
[01:08.17]I be like fascinatin when I be updatin (当我更新自我, 我就是人群中最靓的崽)
[01:10.46]Cuttin off wack kids, pullin their trump cards (给那些舔苟们颜色看看, 轻易掀翻他们的王牌)
[01:12.85]I thump hard, and mak eem say that I'm god (我大获全胜, 并且让众人奉我为神)
[01:15.19]******z be pretendin they hardcore (还在强壮硬气吗)
[01:17.41]Never know the meaning of (只是做徒劳无功罢了)
[01:20.30]But I get props like a slogan and no man (但是我的后台根基如此稳固,)
[01:22.81]Could ever try to diss when I kicks my jam (没人可以dui过我当我收拾我的恩怨)
[01:25.15]Lyrically def and connecting complete mic wrecking (听不见歌词的聋子带着发不出声的麦克)
[01:27.84]No double checking vocals kill like weapons (毫无疑问都是打油的等闲之辈, 为赋新词强说愁)
[01:30.21]But if I have to I go all out with no mic (但是如果哥我本色出演)
[01:33.34]Yeah that's right cause I survived mad fights (是的, 这是绝佳好事, 我总是在弱肉强食的竞争中存活下来)
[01:35.96]And for my peeps I truly care (并且对我在乎的所见略同的英雄兄弟我毫不吝惜关怀)
[01:38.06]Cause without some of them I wouldn't be here (因为是他们造就了今天的我)
[01:40.29]And they all know how I feel (他们也可以感同我的身受)
[01:42.70]Cause suckers be like playin themselves to have mass appeal (因为无能之辈总是大肆吹嘘,自吹自擂)
[01:50.58][01:45.48]Money's growing like grass with the mass appeal (植物色绿油油的纸币饕餮着伴随着人们无穷无尽的欲望)
[02:03.54]I know I'm **** but don't wet that (我知道我这样说有些惹人嫌弃, 但是不要嘲笑我)
[02:06.13]I've suffered setbacks but now I'm makin greenbacks (我曾经一直深陷低迷但是现在我(靠我的才华)赚着富兰克林)
[02:08.62]Just like baggy slacks I'm crazy hip-hop (就像浑身鼓鼓囊囊的懒鬼我是个疯狂的说唱人)
[02:11.22]Check one two and you don't stop (播放我的一两首歌就根本停不下来了)
[02:12.82]Your head'll bop when I drop my crop (听到我的剪辑你的头都要跟着摇摆)
[02:15.11]Of pure bomb, just like the seashore I'm calm (我会于无声之处现惊雷)
[02:17.90]But wild, with my monotone style (单一唱腔的风格中带着狂野)
[02:20.18]Because I don't need gimmicks (因为我不需要苯胍听我的作品)
[02:22.22]Gimme a fly beat and I'm all in it (起一个昂扬的节拍我就全身心投入)
[02:25.31]Word is bond I go on and on (字词就是我创作的灵感纽带)
[02:27.54]For you it's tragic I got magic like wands (我能像变魔术一样, 这是你的不幸)
[02:30.22]So i'ma end this lecture and I betcha (所以我要结束我的教诲, 当然不用说)
[02:32.92]Those who kick dirt and do time I'm gonna get cha (那些看不惯别人飞黄腾达的小人物, 我会送你进牢子)
[02:35.45]Cause I be kickin the real (因为我说的一针见血的)
[02:37.06]While they be losin the race tryin to chase mass appeal (正当他们奋力追逐他们的苟且, 他们就输了)
[02:55.34][02:50.04][02:45.11][02:40.46]Money's growing like grass with the mass appeal (植物色绿油油的纸币饕餮着伴随着人们无穷无尽的欲望)


  歌曲名《Mass Appeal》,由 Gang Starr 演唱,收录于《Hard To Earn》专辑中。《Mass Appeal》下载,《Mass Appeal》在线试听,更多相关歌曲推荐尽在网易云音乐



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