
正在播放-What's It Worth (feat Melodiq)

[00:10.10]Melodiq, Pat D, Lady P sounding sweet (我们三个 绝佳组合)
[00:12.82]The UK and the USA (席卷欧美 跨越大西洋的阻隔)
[00:15.46]Paradox and Melodiq, poetic like sonnets (念出你我名字 胜过十四行诗)
[00:18.12]Words come alive, these lyrics keep flowing (我嘴说活文字 说唱永不停止)
[00:20.97]Melodiq, Pat D, Lady P sounding sweet (我们一展歌喉 哎呦 不错呦)
[00:23.43]The UK and the USA (燃爆不列颠 嗨翻美利坚)
[00:25.78]Paradox and Melodiq, poetic like sonnets (说唱天王天后 今日在此聚首)
[00:28.57]Go together like treble and bass (高音枪击低音炮轰 gogogo)
[00:30.87]Music’s meaning is more than the words, it’s the feeling (所谓良心音乐 不光歌词更要感觉)
[00:33.56]The passion, the soul, writing late in the evenings (灵魂热情不灭 创作直到深夜)
[00:36.41]It breathes in the records like turn to the ceiling (鲜活的唱片 余音绕梁的体验)
[00:38.87]Motivated dreaming, back to what believing (我们讴歌梦想 也不忘掉信仰)
[00:41.56]It’s been in hearts, on tracks in vain (歌词深入人心 贯穿脉络无尽)
[00:44.14]It’s seen in awe on graff on trains (但凡水陆所及 我们大名鼎鼎)
[00:46.70]The media try to attack its name (媒体天天哔哔 黑得不够过瘾)
[00:49.24]But the realness can’t be attached to fame (敢讲不图好听 说唱才受欢迎)
[00:51.82]But who am I to say what hip-hop is? (不过我算老几 下啥说唱定义)
[00:54.56]Hip-hop was before Paradox lived (投胎不够争气 痛失绝佳先机)
[00:57.15]Before Yo! MTV Raps got big (说唱红遍电视 我们还未面世)
[00:59.68]When the soul and the words was what made hop hits (那时说唱出奇 灵魂写手执笔)
[01:02.38]DJs rock kicks after digging in the crates (DJ干完苦力 晚上照样嗨皮)
[01:04.83]Now we’re living in an age where the rhythm is misplaced (现在这个年代 节奏混乱错拍)
[01:07.52]It’s all about the chains, the millions you make (物欲迷乱人眼 说唱刷新下限)
[01:10.13]So I sit back, imagine as I listen to the greats (不如默默吃瓜 幻想名嘴在家)
[01:12.93]Hip-hop, some say it’s still the same (无病呻吟之词 有人奉为圭臬)
[01:16.64]It’s real hip-hop (这是真说唱没毛病)
[01:18.57]Hip-hop, some say it’s still the same (一派胡言之作 有人信以为真)
[01:21.71]What’s it worth? (有什么意义吗)
[01:23.64]Hip-hop, some say it’s still the same (陈词滥调之说 有人不厌其烦)
[01:27.19]It’s real hip-hop (这就是真说唱)
[01:28.63]Hip-hop, some say it’s still the same (乌合之众 我无一苟同)
[01:30.77]Some say it’s still the same, it ain’t that (商业垃圾 岂能同日而语)
[01:33.67]It’s the authentic, all the time prolific, lyrical extraordinaire (正宗说唱数不胜数 情真意切发自肺腑)
[01:39.03]Got rhymes to share, to educate the masses (说可启迪民众 唱有韵律万种)
[01:41.64]Toasting the realness, raise your glasses (高举手中酒杯 致敬敞开心扉)
[01:44.48]Never underestimate the movement (绝不低估行动的力量)
[01:46.86]Always keeping my ear to the pavement (时刻聆听身边的声响)
[01:49.74]That’s what the pioneers did back then (说唱鼻祖不搞混音)
[01:52.01]Before they had two 12s making the blend (照样凭此款款精品)
[01:54.59]No emails to send, only word of mouth (不玩邮箱 出口成章)
[01:57.28]Seems that real hip-hop is in a drought (今日嘻哈 江河日下)
[01:59.98]Critics kept saying that it wouldn’t last (从来不乏闲言碎语 断言说唱不会延续)
[02:02.56]Through the years it persevered and made cash (然而经年累月 商机不断发掘)
[02:05.28]Somehow it grew up too fast (只是火候过头)
[02:07.92]Matured incorrectly, evidently (早衰源于早熟)
[02:10.66]Now it’s time to do my thing (现在该我出镜 完成未竟使命)
[02:13.11]With ill flows and vibes that I bring no doubt (直面恶意风评 唤起心底共鸣)
[02:16.15]Hip-hop, some say it’s still the same (泥沙俱下 难辨真伪)
[02:19.15]It’s real hip-hop (这说唱厉害)
[02:21.03]Hip-hop, some say it’s still the same (鱼目混珠 不明觉厉)
[02:24.63]What’s it worth? (可价值何在)
[02:26.20]Hip-hop, some say it’s still the same (所谓嘻哈 还一如既往吗)
[02:29.96]It’s real hip-hop (如假包换)
[02:31.48]Hip-hop, some say it’s still the same (所谓嘻哈 别无二致吗)
[02:33.75]Now let’s take a sec to think back (那你不妨想想他们)
[02:36.42]Gangstarr (Gang Starr)
[02:41.64]Common Sense
[02:44.25]Large Pro (Large Professor)
[02:46.84]Nas (上帝之子)
[02:49.35]Pete Rock
[02:52.01]Tribe Called Quest (A Tribe Called Quest)
[02:54.70]KRS was number one (KRS-One)
[03:18.03]Just being in here (光是这样说)
[03:20.07]Is a humbling experience to me (已经够让我自惭形秽了)
[03:21.29]Because you’re looking through all these records (你们看到的这些鼻祖的唱片)
[03:24.09]And it’s sort of like a big pile of broken dreams in a way (某种程度上可以说是他们平生梦想碎片的堆砌)
[03:27.56]Almost none of these artists still have a (以上提到的这些嘻哈名嘴 可以说)
[03:29.71]A career, really (职业生涯基本都结束了 真的)
[03:31.43]Ten years down the line you’ll be in here (十年后嘻哈新人们也都会是这样)
[03:33.31]So keep that in mind when you start thinking like (所以到那个时候 就这样想吧:)
[03:37.05]“Oh yeah, I’m invincible and I’m the (“没错 我的说唱无人可敌 而且我还是)
[03:38.82]I’m the world’s best or whatever (我还是全世界最好的嘻哈歌手 管他呢)
[03:40.49]Because that’s what all these cats thought (反正喜欢我的爵士乐迷也都这么觉着 这就够了”)


  歌曲名《What's It Worth (feat Melodiq)》,由 Pat D & Lady Paradox 演唱,收录于《Soulscapes & Jazz Breaks》专辑中。《What's It Worth (feat Me



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