
正在播放-Letter 2 My Unborn (Album Version (Edited))

[00:00.000] 作词 : Michael Jackson/Johnny Jackson/Channoah Higgens/Channette Higgens/TUPAC SHAKUR
[00:00.000] 作曲 : Michael Jackson/Johnny Jackson/Channoah Higgens/Channette Higgens/TUPAC SHAKUR
[00:00][00:13]To my unborn child.. (致我尚未出生的子嗣(事实上Pac在离开前都未曾有过自己的子女,未出生的子嗣应有两层理解:一的确是Pac提前留给自己亲生血肉的嘱咐;二可能泛指所有像Em、K.Dot、Cole等深受Pac影响的后辈))
[00:04]To my unborn child.. in case I don't make it (倘若我英年早逝)
[00:06]Just remember daddy loves you (只需要记住,父亲一直爱着你)
[00:09]talking in background (Produce by Johnny J&Trackmaster)
[00:14]To my unborn.. (采样自 Michael Jackson- “Liberian Girl.”)
[00:19]Now ever since my birth, I've been cursed since I'm born to wild (自从我出生的一刻,我便被诅咒,我这一生也注定不会平凡(Pac的母亲身为黑豹党,在还有身孕时入狱,出狱后不久便生下Pac))
[00:22]in case I never get to holla at my unborn child (写下这些信件,以防我没有机会见到我未出生的子嗣们)
[00:24]Many things learned in prison, blessed and still livin (在监狱里卧薪尝胆(Pac因被陷害性骚扰入狱),在上帝的庇护下我仍存吾命)
[00:27]Tryin to earn every penny that I'm gettin, and reminiscin (脚踏实地,为了赚的每一分都是我所应得)
[00:28]to the beginnin of my mission (我回想起从一开始我的一切便是宿命)
[00:30]When I was conceived, and came to be in this position (当我仍在母亲的腹中,我的地位也已经注定)
[00:33]My momma was a Panther loud, single parent but she proud (曾是黑豹党的她,也成为市井的单亲母亲)
[00:35]when she witnessed baby boy rip a crowd (但她也很骄傲能看见自己的儿子掀起狂潮)
[00:37]To school, but I dropped out, and left the house (上过学却不得不辍学并离家出走(Pac在高中时因为母亲的毒瘾和工作问题不得不频繁搬家,并放弃学业去工作赚钱))
[00:39]Cause my mama say I'm good for nothin, so I'm out (既然母亲说我毫无是处,那么我便要证明自己)
[00:42]Since I only got one life to live, God forgive me for my sins (助我度过难关我也不必再去打砸抢杀)
[00:41]Let me make it and I'll never steal again, or deal again (若我只有一次生命可以供我燃烧,便请上帝宽恕我的罪过)
[00:47]My only friend is my misery (痛苦是我唯一的陪伴)
[00:48]Wantin revenge for the agony they did to me (伺机想着让那些人(Pac被警察无理由殴打,被副总统点名,被所谓民权女权攻击,被抢劫,身中5枪,遭陷害入狱)偿还带给我的所有疾苦与不公)
[00:50]See my life ain't promised but it'll sure get better (看,世事难料,天有定数,但一切都会变好的)
[00:54]Hope you understand my love letter, to my unborn child (希望你能对我含情写下这封信感同身受,致我未出生的子嗣(verse1 是叙事性的,Pac在讲述自己艰难的一生))
[00:55]I'm writing you a letter (我写下这封信件)
[01:00]This is to my unborn child (致我那未出生的子嗣)
[01:02]Wanna let you know I love you (如果你无法知晓我内心的情感)
[01:05]Love you, if you didn't know I feel this way (希望你能明白我永远爱你)
[01:09]How I, think about you every day (每日每夜我都在期盼着你的到来)
[01:10]I have so much to say (纸短情长,欲言又止......)
[01:12]Seems so complicated to escape fate (也许无论如何挣扎也无法逃脱自己的命运(接下来两段verse偏向抒发情感,Pac在叮嘱的同时,表达了自己内心一些未解的疑惑))
[01:15]And you can never understand 'til we trade places (你也永远不能感同身受直到你有一天走上了我的位置)
[01:17]Tell the world I feel guilty to bein anxious (请告知世界,如此怒火攻心我也有罪(Pac在出狱后性格大变样,极度情绪化和极具攻击性))
[01:19]Ain't no way in hell, that I could ever be rapist (但无论如何我也不会是个强jian犯)
[01:22]It's hard to face this, cold world on a good day (在这样美好的时间,我却无法直面这个冷酷的世界)
[01:24]When will they let the little kids in the hood play? (何时他们才会让街道上重现孩子天真的笑颜?)
[01:26]I got shot five times but I'm still breathin (我身中了5枪,却仍孑然一身)
[01:27]Livin proof there's a God if you need a reason (如果你不相信上帝,我便是鲜活的证明)
[01:29]Can I believe in my own fate (我究竟能否相信我的命运)
[01:30]Will I raise my kids in the right, or the wrong way? (我究竟能带领我的孩子走向正道或是步入歧途)
[01:33]Dear mama I'm a man now (敬爱的母亲,我已长大成人)
[01:34]I wanna make it on my own, not a handout (我要自力更生而不是只会伸手讨要)
[01:37]Make way for a whirlwind prophesized (当混乱的预言成真时(这句我好迷啊))
[01:39]I wanna go in peace.. when I gotta die (我只求在我离去之前能得一丝安宁)
[01:41]On these cold streets, ain't no love, no mercy, and no friends (在这冷酷的街头没有爱、同情与友谊)
[01:44]In case you never see my face again (以防你再也见不到我的容颜,致我未出生的子嗣)
[01:46]To my unborn child (致我未出生的子嗣)
[02:04]Dear Lord can you hear me, tell me what to say (敬爱的天父,你是否能听见我?请不要再让我无言)
[02:07]to my unborn seed in, case I pass away (致我未出生的子嗣,倘若我就这样逝去)
[02:08]Will my child get to feel love (我的孩子是否能感到爱?)
[02:09]Or are we all just cursed to be street thugs? Cause bein black hurts (难道我们就只能被诅咒在街头鬼混一辈子;可身为黑人又如此艰难)
[02:13]And even worse if you speak first (而如果你选择突破沉默更会使自己陷入困境)
[02:14]Livin my life as an Outlaw, what could be worse? (将我的生活建立在所谓法制之上(Outlaw是Pac领导的一个团队),是否还会更糟)
[02:18]Cause maybe if I tried to change (因为如果我尝试去改变)
[02:21]Who I'm kiddin? I'ma thug 'til I die, I'ma rider mayne (我又在欺骗谁呢?作为一个暴徒至死不渝,我注定放荡不羁)
[02:23]Touch bases, eat lunch at plush places (触碰着(法律的?)底线;生活在社会的底层)
[02:25]Regular criminal oasis awaits us (层出不穷的犯罪事件等着将我们卷入)
[02:27]If there's a ghetto for true thugs, I'll see you there (如果天堂存有一片容暴徒安息的净土,我便在那里和你见面)
[02:29]And I'm sorry for not bein there (也请原谅我没能一直陪在你的身边)
[02:30]Just know your daddy was a soldier, me against the world (只需要铭记你父亲是名战士;我独自一人对抗这世界(也是Pac最优秀的一张专辑))
[02:33]Bless the boys, and all my little girls (愿帝佑我之子女)
[02:34]To the Lord I'm eternal, restin in peace (神啊,吾魂永存,终得安息)
[03:26]Please take care of all my seeds, to my unborn child ((歌词混乱,这句应该是verse3最后一句))
[02:41][Chorus] - repeat to fade (在这最后我将我的子女都托付于您!)
[02:44]To my unborn child.. please take of all my kids (请一定要照看好我的孩子与所有未出生后辈们)
[02:50]My unborn child.. to my unborn child (孩子,请听我说)
[02:57]This letter goes out to.. to the seeds that I might not get to see (这封信件寄给所有我的骨肉)
[03:01]cause of this lifestyle (我害怕因为我的生活方式,没有机会能够见到你)
[03:04]Just know that your daddy loves you, got nuttin but love for you (将我的爱谨记于心;而我对你的爱也别无他心)
[03:08]All I wanted was for you have a better life than I did (我所希望的就是你能拥有比我更美好的人生)
[03:09]That's why I was out here on a twenty-four hour 365 grind (这就是为什么我无时无刻不在想着如何工作赚钱)
[03:13]When you get to be my age you'll understand (当你到了我的年纪你就会理解了)
[03:16]Just know I got love for you (别忘了我永远爱你)
[03:18]And I'll see you up there in the ghetto heaven (如果天堂有给浪子留一片净土,我便在那儿等你)
[03:22]Cause ghetto heaven gotta be there.. haha, take care (我一定会在那得以安息的)
[03:28]Run wild, but be smart (嘿,照顾好自己,摸爬滚打后也要吃一堑长一智)
[03:29]Follow the rules of the game (遵从这圈子的规矩)
[03:34]I know that sometimes it's confusin (我知道有时你会有疑惑)
[03:36]The rules of the game is gonna get you through it, all day everyday (人生的教条会指引你的:我相信你终究会挺过来......)


  歌曲名《Letter 2 My Unborn (Album Version (Edited))》,由 2Pac 演唱,收录于《Until The End Of Time》专辑中。《Letter 2 My Unborn (Album Vers



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