
正在播放-We Cry Together

[00:00.000] 作词 : Kendrick Lamar/F. Welch/Daniel Tannenbaum/J. Pounds/Daniel Alan Maman/G. Peacock
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Kendrick Lamar/F. Welch/Daniel Tannenbaum/J. Pounds/Daniel Alan Maman/G. Peacock
[00:19.742] To each other (给对方的歌)
[00:26.321] We hold onto each other (我们互相克制着)
[00:31.187] This is what the world sounds like (这才是这个世界真正的声音)
[00:45.700]I swear I'm tired of these emotional ass, ungrateful ass niggas (真是厌倦透了你们这些这情绪化,丝毫不知道感恩)
[00:49.148]Unstable ass, confrontational ass, dumb ****ers (总阴晴不定又喜欢搞对立的蠢娘们)
[00:52.604]You wanna bring a nigga down, even when I'm tryna do right (总是想着让我拉跨,哪怕我做的事没毛病)
[00:55.716] We could go our separate ways right now, you could move on with your life (I swear to God) (何不现在就和我分道扬镳,去开始你的美好生活)
[00:59.051]**** you nigga, you love a pity party, I won't show up (去你丫的老娘才不会为了你的面子跟你去一些社交场子)
[01:02.169]Always act like your shit don't stink, mother****er, grow up (幼稚又爱装搞得好像你的翔都是香的)
[01:05.693] Forever late for shit, won't buy shit, sit around and deny shit (Man) (吃翔都赶不上热乎的,啥也买不起的穷鬼喜欢在那指点江山)
[01:09.429]**** around on a side bitch, then come ****ing up my shit (一天到晚在那胡搞,把我生活也搞得一团糟)
[01:12.551]What? ****ing up yo shit, you must be bleedin' and some more shit (把你生活搞得一团糟?姨妈多的脑子不在线了吧)
[01:16.094]****, I don't know shit, **** yo feelings (毫无兴趣,老子才不鸟你的感受)
[01:18.358] You on some hoe shit (我真是鲜花插在了牛粪上)
[01:19.559] See, I don't know why you like playin' mind games with me (我一直疑惑为啥你那么喜欢pua我)
[01:22.468]****, I ain't slow, nor ditsy, I know when you bein' distant (老娘比你精明好不,我能看出你对我的刻意疏远)
[01:25.623] I know when you fake busy (更清楚你的忙碌都是装的)
[01:27.228] Get out yo feelings and miss me with that reverse psychology (干脆坦诚不公坦白你想我都是用逆反心理想的)
[01:30.868]Man, **** you, bitch, who got you that Rollie chain? (你丫魔怔了吧你手上的名表是谁给你镶的)
[01:33.220] And who put that car in my name? (唉对对对还有那辆车也是以我名义装的)
[01:34.763] What, you think I'ma kiss yo ass? (咋滴还要我对你磕头拜谢?)
[01:36.516]Nah, nigga you ****ing lame (上一边去你个残废)
[01:38.337]You know what? **** you, bitch (**** you, nigga) (我真想啪死你)
[01:40.692]Nah, **** you bitch (Nah, **** you, nigga) (是我啪死你)
[01:42.847]**** you, bitch (Nah, **** you, nigga) (蠢娘们是我啪死你)
[01:45.079]Nah, **** you, bitch (就你个小短还能啪死我)
[01:46.644]**** you, bitch (丫的就是我啪死你)
[01:47.569]**** you, **** you, **** you, **** you, bitch (是我啪死你)
[01:50.366]**** you, nigga (你拿什么啪死我)
[01:51.168]**** you, bitch (Nah, **** you) (闭嘴老子啪死你)
[01:53.152] Wastin' my time and energy tryna be good to you (亏我那么久以来对你的真心付出)
[01:56.263] Lost friends, family, gained more enemies 'cause of you (因为你我疏远了家人和闺蜜,还多了很多人和我对立)
[01:59.570]Bitches starin' at me in sorrow, hoes scratchin' my cars up (女人们盯我的眼神都带着怜悯,别的表子还在我车上留痕迹)
[02:03.044] Shoulda followed my mind in '09 and just moved to Georgia (早知如此09年那会儿就应该跟随我的心搬到佐治亚)
[02:06.281]Oh, what that's my fault now? Bitch, you power trippin' or guilt trippin', I held yo ass down (这现在全成我的错了?你是跟自己理智过不去还是良心过不去,是我保住了你)
[02:11.184] You just kept me down, that's a big difference (你只是留下了我,这两者区别很大好吗)
[02:12.993] Stressin' myself tryna figure why I'm not good enough (费尽心思琢磨我是不是还不够好)
[02:16.504] Goin' to church, prayin' for you, searchin' for good in us (去教堂还为你祈祷,千方百计想为我们带来好)
[02:19.958]Lil' punk ass nigga that's tryna go big (就你这小鸟的男人还想成大人物了)
[02:22.860]But you was suckin' this dick though (但在遛这小鸟的不还是你吗)
[02:24.304] Well, shit I shoulda sucked his (哦说的是啊我应该去遛他的)
[02:26.089] Watchu say? (你说啥玩意?)
[02:27.171]I shoulda found a bigger dick (我说我应该去找个鸟大的咋滴)
[02:28.708]Bitch, get the **** out my face (那你现在滚去找啊!)
[02:30.070] Oh, what, you mad? (哦咋滴戳到你痛处了?)
[02:31.302]Shut up, bitch, you got me ****ed up today, on God (嘴给我闭上一整天的心情都被你毁了)
[02:33.265] Ah-ha, you mad lil' feelings is shot (哟呵小鸟男人果然生气了)
[02:36.270]Go text that raggedy bitch and tell her you all that she got (去给你外面的那个破烂备胎发短信吧她只剩你了)
[02:39.481] Let her know you packin' yo shit and gotta move by the first (告诉她你在收拾行李马上就能和她依偎了)
[02:42.986]Man, give me these ****ing keys, dawg (服了,把车钥匙给我拿过来)
[02:44.361] Give me my keys, I'ma be late for work (把钥匙还我我上班要迟到了)
[02:46.302]**** yo job, today gon' be the day you walk to that bitch (让你的工作去死,今天将是你走路去上班的一天)
[02:49.639]Give me my ****ing keys (把钥匙还我啊)
[02:50.815]Nah, I liked you parked in that bitch (诶我偏不我就喜欢看你和车一起抛锚)
[02:53.084] Give me my keys, bro (兄弟把钥匙还我撒(这声bro真的笑了半天))
[02:54.438] On God, you ain't gettin' these keys (哦别想了你得不到这些钥匙)
[02:56.323]Give me my ****ing keys (把该死的钥匙还给我!)
[02:57.596] Ah, now you mad at me, I gotchu hollerin' for nothin' (哟呵这个女人生气了为了小事开始叫喘)
[03:01.534]I do the same when we ****ing (哦是吗啪的时候我不是也在叫喘)
[03:03.048]Act like that bitch ain't loose (装的好像你的花瓣根本没有凹槽)
[03:04.779] I'd rather act like I'm cummin' (我宁愿装着我在假装高潮)
[03:06.412]I'd rather **** off the juice (那我宁愿把海给你捅烂)
[03:08.066]I'd rather **** on yo cousin (那我宁愿让你兄弟来捅)
[03:09.779]Bitch, you said you gon' **** who? (表子你说让谁来捅?)
[03:11.354]You heard me, nigga it's nothing (听到了就不要再问)
[03:12.390] You know what?**** you, bitch (牛掰啊,那你咋不去试试)
[03:14.677]**** you, bitch (Nah, **** you, nigga) (试试就试试)
[03:16.303] No,**** you, bitch (Nah, **** you, nigga) (你去啊,试试就逝逝)
[03:18.975]**** you, bitch, **** you, bitch (I'm sick of this nigga) (你自己去逝,快去逝)
[03:21.504]**** you, **** you, **** you, **** you, bitch (你咋不去逝,去啊)
[03:24.055]**** you, bitch (你丫才该去逝)
[03:25.627]Stupid ass bitch (该逝的蠢娘们)
[03:26.753]I don't even know why I **** with you (我都不知道我咋摊上了你这样的)
[03:28.659] I'll be damned if I stuck with you (是啊肯定是造孽了才碰到你这样的)
[03:30.110]Changed my number, I'm duckin' you, bitch (我要换手机号了,以后对你人间蒸发)
[03:31.974]Bitch, whatever is comfortable (埃斯币啥让你舒服就干啥去)
[03:33.503] This the type of shit couples do (要我说这类日子过的很悲催的两口子)
[03:34.996]Shoulda thought about cuffin' you, bitch (都是拜你这样的娘们儿所赐)
[03:36.925]Nigga you dirty and you broke (你咋不照照自己,你就一又穷又矬的普信男)
[03:38.394] Hoe you goofy and gullible, **** you talkin' 'bout? (表子你就是个贼容易被骗的蠢货,搁这扯啥呢)
[03:40.400]Mmm, the insecurities you got, won't mind **** me (就你这超没安全感又占有欲爆棚)
[03:43.328] Womanizer, got no affection from yo momma, I see (沉迷女色,一点没学到你妈的好家教)
[03:46.634]Don't speak on my momma, the **** is your problem? (你没事儿吧?别拿我妈说事儿)
[03:49.246]That bitch don't like me anyways (反正那个娘们儿咋样也不喜欢我)
[03:50.451]Bitch, she gave you the Honda (表子你的本田车就是她送的)
[03:51.834] And used that shit to throw it in my face (Man, hol' on, bro) (然后拿这车当做可以甩我脸上的筹码)
[03:53.799]Find it funny you just can't apologize (Bitch, dawg) (真是有趣,你是不是道个歉会死啊)
[03:56.666] Egotistic, narcissistic, love your own lies (Bro) (整天骄傲自负又醉生梦死,沉浸在自己以前的谎言里)
[04:00.233]See you the reason why strong women ****ed up (因为你这样的男人太多很多独立女性才举步维艰)
[04:02.991] Why they say it's a man's world, see you the reason for Trump (别人不会白说这是男人的世界,川建普就是你们这种男人捧起来的)
[04:06.200] You the reason, we overlooked, underpaid underbooked, under shame (我们被忽视,被蒙羞,酬不抵劳,都是你们所赐)
[04:10.373] If you look, I don't speak, then I'm called out my name (如果我不发声那你等着看我也早晚会遭受这些)
[04:13.766] I am flawed, I am pained, never yours, I remained (我的缺陷,我的痛苦,都是我的,你们男人那里不存在感同身受)
[04:17.149]You the reason niggas start ****in' with niggas when they change (因为你们太差很多女的甚至开始喜欢女的了)
[04:20.371]You the reason niggas start callin' y'all, (因为你们太差很多女的开始拿你们当怂包了)
[04:22.285]'Bitches', 'cause y'all useless (都是因为你们太差)
[04:23.690] You the reason Harvey Weinstein had to see his conclusion (男人的社会才能造就harvey weinstein那样的禽兽(harvet因多起x丑闻事件被捕,之前曾逍遥大半生))
[04:27.148] You the reason R. Kelly can't recognize that he's abusive (男人的社会才会让R kelly意识不到自己的错误(R.kelly著名R&B歌手,因多次xx未成年被捕,此人也是逍遥了很久才被捕))
[04:30.411]Shut the **** up, we all know you still playin' his music (快得了吧你不是照样还在听他的歌)
[04:33.529]I'm tired of emotional ass, ungrateful ass niggas (真是厌倦了这些情绪化又白眼狼的碧池)
[04:37.121] Fake innocent, fake feminist, stop pretendin' (一天天虚伪的天真,莫须有的打女拳,再别装受害者了)
[04:40.597] Y'all sentiments ain't realer than what you defendin' (你们抗争的这些东西比你们的多愁善感真实不到哪儿去)
[04:43.713](Here he go, shut the **** up, look at you, look at you) ((他急了,再别说了,看呐看呐他急了))
[04:44.365] It's a split decision, broads like you and real victims (这是个得分开讨论的事实,你这样的婆娘和那些真正的女性受害者)
[04:47.307]Let's talk the truth, women in general just can't get along (Explain, nigga) (来点实话怎么样,你们女人之间通常甚至都没法好好相处)
[04:50.990]Hmm, when Tash got a man, you didn't pick up the phone (Explain, nigga) (当年Tash找了个男人的时候没见你们哪个去打电话啊)
[04:54.364] When Nate got a job, you said you stayin' home (Explain) (当年Nate找了个工作的时候没见你们哪个不躲在家里啊)
[04:57.529]Why R&B niggas don't feature on each other songs (为啥R&B女歌手之间都不会客串对方的歌你不懂吗)
[05:00.854]What the **** is you talkin' 'bout? (你都在说些什么啊)
[05:02.419]Nevermind, bitch, I'm walkin' out (啥也没说,我要走了)
[05:03.987]Whatever, nigga I'm off you now (你爱咋咋地吧,没打算跟你)
[05:05.835] Yo evil ass kept me well in doubt (你这邪恶的妞我都持怀疑态度)
[05:07.449]****in' nigga best watch your mouth (你别让你的嘴和下水道一样好吗)
[05:09.145]Bitch and mouth is all you got (下水道和嘴不都长在你身上吗)
[05:10.861]Lay this bitch back on the couch (要不要在沙发上感受这下水道)
[05:12.645] Doggie style, then you get on top (果断狗狗式,你在上)
[05:14.453]**** me, nigga (I'ma cum in your daughter) (快来试试我)
[05:16.643]Nah, **** me, nigga, **** me (I'ma cum in your daughter) (你这么想逝啊)
[05:20.027]Nah, **** you, **** me (You playin' man) (不是那种逝)
[05:22.571]**** me (哦是那种试啊,试就试)
[05:23.992] Nah, you playin' (鼓掌鼓掌鼓掌)


  歌曲名《We Cry Together》,由 Kendrick Lamar、Taylour Paige 演唱,收录于《Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers》专辑中。《We Cry Together》下载,《We Cry



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