
正在播放-The Darkest Part (feat. Raekwon and Kid Sister)

[00:00.000] 作词 : Pauline Matthews/Corey Woods/Brian Joseph Burton/Tarik Trotter/Samuel Benjamin Cohen/Dean Josiah Cover
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Tarik Trotter/Samuel Benjamin Cohen
[00:05.524]Shine the light into the darkest part of me (让圣洁的光映入我的阴暗)
[00:11.337]All around you, find the one thing they can't see (从你身上,我看到了与众不同的地方)
[00:15.602]Though they say (尽管他们一直谎称)
[00:17.723]They'll take your pain (他们能带走你的苦痛)
[00:20.880]Don't give it away (不要放弃)
[00:25.633]Yo (哟)
[00:26.702]I'm like Thelonious at the underground piano (我像Thelonious Monk一样坐在地下室的钢琴前(Underground是Thelonious Monk的第七张专辑,封面是他坐在钢琴前))
[00:29.358]Dressed in camo, the grenades, guns, and ammo (身着迷彩,带足了枪支弹药(在Underground中,Monk被描述成第二次世界大战中反抗的法国战士,呼应前一句的双关,Black Thought(以下简称bt)借此表示自己时刻准备着东西战斗))
[00:32.274]Death to Sambo, send him a bouquet and a candle (又一个黑哥死去,为他献上花束,送上蜡烛(Sambo是对非洲人的贬义称呼,后成为美国奴隶的代名词,这个词是bt在表现黑人遭受的不平等对待))
[00:34.943]I came to take back that other two-fifths of a man, so (我来是为了带回那五分之二的人权(1787年,美国制宪会议达成“五分之三妥协” 内容是将奴隶的实际人口的五分之三参与税收分配,相当于直接剥夺了黑人五分之二的人权))
[00:38.061]From a silhouette standin' in the aperture (镜头移向逆光中渐渐变得模糊的身影(暗指将黑人当替罪羊,对应前面death to Sambo))
[00:40.735]To a figurehead standin' in the path of a killer (真正的凶手面前站着替罪羊。。)
[00:43.400]Young gorilla just scramblin' for Africa (蠢笨的黑猩猩们掠夺着非洲的这块土地(暗指欧洲对非洲大陆的殖民化,欧洲人却称非洲人为蛮人,bt讽刺歧视黑人的白人才是真正的蠢人蛮人))
[00:46.062]Crept and will accept nothing but a **** (要么让黑人受尽屈辱在他们脚下爬行,要么进行大屠杀)
[00:48.989]Premonition of intuition is a b***h (这样的情境下,直觉啥的都是胡扯)
[00:51.367]Got a message from the heavens, all it said is to be this (从天堂得到讯息,仍改变不了这现状)
[00:54.028]Keep it brief like an elevator pitch (手拿麦克风,遵守电梯原则(即用最具吸引力的方式简明扼要地阐述自己的观点))
[00:56.949]Or delegate'll switch 'cause the spirit is a snitch (你可以将精神看成幌子,代表不同的观点(感觉bt是在讽刺现在的说唱圈,同时讽刺富人们))
[00:59.339]In America, the rich love to wear it on they wrist (在漂亮国,富人们总喜欢将所谓“精神”戴在手上)
[01:02.000]They call the shots, they don't wear it on they lip (可当他们谋划持枪杀人是,却对此只字不提)
[01:04.910]Jinglin' of the chains, I can still hear it on the ship (我似乎还能隐隐约约听见铁链碰撞的铛铛声,回响在船舱里(bt这里暗指非洲奴隶被铁链锁在船舱内,遭受非人待遇))
[01:07.571]One hand loads the clip, feel the rubber on the grip (单手把枪上了膛,感受着枪柄的橡胶质感)
[01:10.245]Me and my reflection sendin' one another on a trip (我在旅途中架起我的思考)
[01:12.927]I'm under twenty-one and bent, now you know what punishment, listen (我21岁时,遭受了各种惨痛的惩罚,听着)
[01:15.848]It ain't an easy odyssey for you to follow me (跟随我也不简单,行程遥远而充满风险)
[01:18.527]We do kinesiology with no apology (直到我们不用带有任何歉意遵循这运动动力学(运动动力学是一种研究人体内的种种不平衡以及解决方法的学科,bt借此写白人和黑人之间的不平衡,而自己正试图解决))
[01:22.444]Shine the light into the darkest part of me
[01:27.440]All around you, find the one thing they can't see
[01:31.414]Though they say
[01:34.101]They'll take your pain
[01:37.237]Don't give it away
[01:38.556]The deeper the breath, the louder the scream (经受的苦难越深,尖叫声就越响(致敬2Pac的keep ya head up,k.dot也借用过))
[01:40.147]I cower between the two monsters out of my dream (我将梦境中的魔鬼驱逐(指的是《奥德赛》中抓住主角的俩个怪物,对应前面的odyssey))
[01:42.802]A Cadillac, a limousine, an anti-nigga machine (各类豪车,种族歧视的机器,这就是漂亮国(bt致敬Public Enemy的歌曲black steel in hour of chaos))
[01:45.718]And if I wake up alive, I bet they woke up clean (我有生之年恐怕都等不到那群白人承认他们的罪行)
[01:48.123]Umpteen times, the warning signs went unseen (有多少次,警告危险的标志⚠只对我们隐藏!?)
[01:51.062]To me, they done something, they tried to clip my wings (他们对我做了那么多卑鄙的事,还要折断我的羽翼(bt强调了种族歧视对美国的负面影响之深))
[01:53.705]But not before I understood how any caged bird sings (在此之后,我终于理解了笼中之鸟为何引吭高歌(caged bird在这里代表在非人性的种族主义下为生活而改变策略的黑人们))
[01:56.630]The soul was something before we became earthlings (在被沦为俗人之前,我们将灵魂视为无价之宝)
[01:59.300]Freedom is better than p***y, p***y, or p***y-poppin' (自由可比那些(医疗用品)可贵的多)
[02:02.497]They force-feed their fears into our flesh and bone (可他们已强行将恐惧注入我们的骨肉)
[02:05.169]Inside of my confessional, I decompress alone (独自忏悔,消解我的压力)
[02:07.842]I'm more skeptical of following the metronome (我不愿跟随他们的节奏)
[02:10.752]I guess technically, I'm on another echelon (我想,从技术上说,我已经站在更高的级别了)
[02:13.424]It just gets to me the way they lay the pressure on (只是对他们施加压力的方式感到好奇)
[02:16.077]It ain't an easy odyssey for you to follow me
[02:18.734]We do kinesiology with no apology
[02:22.158]Shine the light into the darkest part of me (Right, right, right)
[02:27.381]All around you, find the one thing they can't see (Start the wave, God)
[02:31.632]Though they say (Talk your talk, nigga, let's go, nigga) (谈谈你想说的吧)
[02:34.237]They'll take your pain (How that shit go?) (瑞空来了)
[02:37.384]Boy grown, hands like Roy Jones (这个孩子长大了,拳头硬气得像Roy Jones)
[02:39.784]King Tut bracelet on, encrusted, flooded in stones, bro (像图坦卡蒙那样,戴上手镯,然后安葬,伙计)
[02:43.440]Hardest and the sharpest (我的话是最硬最尖的)
[02:44.766]Merge like three-bedroom apartments (合并起来,像有三个卧室的公寓那样宽敞)
[02:46.627]Pick one room, they all boom, let me start this (选一个房间,顿时炸裂,那就让我开始我的表演)
[02:49.286]My art retarded, kids (我做的东西都是狠货,孩子)
[02:50.621]The arsonist and ostrich (尤其是对于那些逃避事实的人而言)
[02:52.217]The moon is the part, we been partners, shit (如果你也能够欣赏,那我们就是朋友了,伙计)
[02:54.354]Say no other, we the jungle brothers (没人能达到我们的境界,我们是并行的兄弟)
[02:56.222]Out in Kenya, how we did in December, loadin' them cartridges (在肯尼亚,我们在十二月干的一件大事——将音轨录进磁带)
[02:59.673]The lines is like nines, PA between babies (这歌词如抢劫一般席卷了他们,像奶瓶喂婴儿一样提供精神养料)
[03:02.353]Word to mama, poor llamas, paper we seein' crazy (献给贫穷的妈妈们,想赚马内,跟疯了一样)
[03:05.278]Louis Rich, he the drummer (像Louis Rich渴望成为鼓手一样)
[03:07.121]Thoughts from the black boy, boy, mama call ya (而这正是一个黑人男孩的想法啊,妈妈来电话了)
[03:09.781]See, the numbers stay maxin' and relaxin' (懂了吧,压力山大,我却依然放松)
[03:12.106]Ch**p jewelry and 2020 seven Hummers (2020年,买了无数的珠宝和七辆悍马)
[03:14.500]I seen your stunters gettin' busy on the bridge (他们用力对付你)
[03:17.427]Headed out fleein', you're top tier, stop wasting time, take some shine (不要自卑,不要逃离,你就是那个站在顶处的人;别浪费时间了,发现自己的闪光点!)


  歌曲名《The Darkest Part (feat. Raekwon and Kid Sister)》,由 Danger Mouse、Black Thought、Raekwon、Kid Sister 演唱,收录于《Cheat Codes》



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