

[00:00.000] 作曲 : Cleopatra Nikolic/Dean Josiah Cover/Simbiatu Ajikawo
[00:19.699] Never cared 'bout bein' immortalised (从不在意是否得以永生)
[00:21.728] How can I stand with the opps and not with the tribe? (我怎会和敌人并肩而立呢)
[00:24.076] They sell you a dream and they want you to glorify (他们将梦想贩卖给你 想要你去神话这一切)
[00:26.315] Got a rude awakenin' by ignorin' up all the signs (因忽视了这些迹象 我猛然觉醒)
[00:28.783] Why did I give you the keys to authorize shit on my behalf? (我为何要将钥匙交付给你 让你替我授权我的作品呢)
[00:32.128] Now, I'm scarred and mortified (如今我伤痕累累 无地自容)
[00:33.552] What did I expect from those livin' the corporate life? (对那些混迹于音乐产业的家伙们 我有什么好期待的呢)
[00:36.057] Unfortunately, honesty isn't normalized (不幸的是 如今诚实便是另类)
[00:38.480] Had to get my shit together and get organized (必须将我的作品整理好)
[00:40.674] If your hand's in my pockets, I'm callin' up all the guys (若你想将手伸进我的口袋 我会叫上所有人)
[00:43.173] Though, I don't wanna be the reason of more divide (尽管 我并不想成为产生更多分歧的原因)
[00:45.446] Guess that's in my nature of bein' the water sign (我猜 这就是水象星座的天性吧)
[00:48.724] I'm sort of like, nothing is makin' sense in my awkward mind (我就好像是 在笨拙的脑中 似乎理不清事端)
[00:53.668] Give me your ears, and let me feel the night (把你的双耳给我 让我感受这夜晚)
[00:55.371] Shootin' in the dark, guess I never saw the light (在漆黑中射击 我想自己从未看见过光明)
[00:57.922] Revoke access, I'm runnin' it back, yes (撤回访问权限 我重新运行)
[01:00.176] Missin' opportunities, I wish I was that pressed (错失良机 我希望自己变得那般紧张)
[01:03.181] Yeah, I say that shit with my damn chest (是啊 我发自内心所说)
[01:04.916] You need me and you feel the loss of my absence (你需要我 当我不在你身旁 你会感到低落)
[01:07.505] The novelty wears off after a few years, after a few tears from challengin' new fears (这种新奇感几年后就会消失 就在迎战新的恐惧时只会流下几滴泪之后)
[01:12.254] Learnin' everything I didn't on the come up (学习我尚未开始的一切)
[01:14.479] We was too busy makin' music 'til the sun up (我们忙着做音乐 直到旭日东升)
[01:17.960] Everyday through the summer (每一个夏日都是如此)
[01:19.389] Didn't learn the business, and now, I'm duckin' for cover (不懂经商之道 而现在我会掩护自己)
[01:22.238] What a **** up (实在糟糕)
[01:23.067] Might just leave a damn taste thinkin' I'm a sucker (或许会留下一种印象 觉得我是个蠢货)
[01:25.363] Come up out my damn face, nigga, did I stutter? (从我面前消失 我是结巴了吗)
[01:27.668] It's gon' be a sad case if you see my brothers (如果你见过我的兄弟们 他们是不幸的)
[01:30.085] I can see how an artist can get tainted, frustrated (我可以理解一位艺术家会是如何被玷污 苦苦不得志)
[01:33.975] They don't care if your mental is on the brink of somethin' dark (他们不在意你的内心是否处于黑暗的边缘)
[01:36.725] As long as your cuttin' somebody's payslip (只要你能砍去别人的工资)
[01:38.680] And sendin' their kids to private school in a spaceship (送这些人的小孩坐上豪车 去私立学校上课)
[01:41.401] Yeah, I refuse to be on the slave shit (是的 我拒绝被奴役 <歌词应为slave ships/ 2020年10月 kanye west在推特上抨击唱片公司 他把唱片公司比作从艺术家手中夺取权力的slave ships>)
[01:43.452] Give me all my masters and lower your wages (把掌控权交给我 把你工资降低)
[01:46.061] Huh, what I'm bringin' to the table is more than the feast for the belly of the beast (我呈上餐桌的可不只是满足野兽们的盛宴)
[01:50.230] Didn't know I'm droppin' somethin' heavy for the streets (他们才不知道 我的作品振聋发聩 为街头发声)
[01:52.819] **** the politics, I'm goin' Meghan on you neeks (去你的政治 对你们这些腐朽之人我才不感兴趣)
[01:55.183] I need the best seats in the house, when the truth unfolds, it's gonna be one hell of a scene (我需要这里最好的位置 当真相大白时 场面将会变得不可思议)
[01:59.982] Harry listenin' from Heaven on repeat (Harry在天堂一遍遍地倾听着)
[02:02.888] He was backin' it when nobody believed (当没有人会相信我 他会坚定不移地支持)
[02:05.209] "Play the game, play the game," is what they scream ("加入进来吧 迎合大众吧" 这是众人所呼喊的)
[02:07.532] You can play the game, I don't see the need, no (你可以加入游戏 遵守规则 我并不需要)
[02:09.708] Feel so alive, I woke up and I prayed for a sign (感觉充满了活力 我醒来祈祷征兆的降临)
[02:17.344] I know, good things take time (我知道 美好并非一蹴而就)
[02:21.883] God sent me you as an Angel (上天派你来做守护我的天使)
[02:28.790] When you're alone, that little person nobody knows (当你孤身一人 那些无人知晓的零碎想法 (歌词为little thoughts))
[02:36.596] Hardest thing to do was stay strong (最难的是保持坚强)
[02:41.077] I knew I needed an Angel (我知晓自己需要一位天使)
[02:43.618] My Saturn return in effect (我的人生进入了新的阶段 (土星回归是指土星回到你出生星盘原本位置 一圈大概在29年左右 西方占星家认为 当土星回归到一个人出生时的轨道位置时 那个人就跨越了一个重要的人生阶段))
[02:45.976] Life doesn't come with presets (生活并非预先安排好的)
[02:47.548] My frequency's seamless (我的频率无比连贯)
[02:49.307] They want you give more, expect you to dream less (他们希望你付出更多 期望你憧憬更少)
[02:52.139] Got me confessin' all my secrets, you ain't the only one under deep stress (令我坦白了我所有秘密 承受在重压之下的不止你一人)
[02:56.994] Please, don't take my kindness for a weakness (请不要将我的善良当作软弱)
[02:59.370] Get G checked for your disrespect (找上黑帮兄弟来检验你的无礼)
[03:01.642] Perception and observation is clinical (感知力与观察力都是临床说法)
[03:04.056] More headspace, I've been shavin' off my occipital (释放脑中更多空间 我一直在驱走枕叶中的杂念)
[03:06.463] They say, "You can't hate if you don't love" (他们说 你不能恨你并不爱的人 (歌词是hate who you don't love))
[03:09.489] And they say, "Love is unconditional" (他们说 爱是无条件的)
[03:11.749] I'm ready to do the unthinkable (我已准备好去做不可思议之事)
[03:13.737] **** rules and everything that's traditional (颠覆所谓的规则和传统的一切)
[03:16.264] Giving your heart to someone might just leave you in a somethin', somethin' (掏出你的真心只会使你陷入被动)
[03:21.534] Feel so alive, I woke up and I prayed for a sign (感觉充满了活力 我醒来祈祷征兆的降临)
[03:29.422] I know, good things take time (我知道 美好并非一蹴而就)
[03:33.831] God sent me you as an Angel (上天派你来做守护我的天使)
[03:40.722] When you're alone, that little person nobody knows (当你孤身一人 那些无人知晓的零碎想法 (歌词为little thoughts))
[03:48.607] Hardest thing to do was stay strong (最难的是保持坚强)
[03:53.165] I knew I needed an Angel, an Angel (我知晓自己需要一位天使)
[04:09.216] How you go against the same system you were colonized by? (你该如何去反抗你曾被殖民的体制)
[04:12.241] Brother, your whole thing compromised (兄弟 你完全妥协了)
[04:13.966] Havin' these conversations myself, and nobody else (和自己对话 而不是和别人)
[04:16.195] Thinkin' they don't understand my thinkin' when I socialize (当我社交时 我想他们并不理解我的想法)
[04:18.880] I need an Angel with me for armour (我需要一位天使同行 让我变得强大)
[04:20.517] I need accountability, partner (我需要担起责任 朋友)
[04:22.191] I know that all these blessings are karma (我知道这些祝福都是因果报应)
[04:24.076] I need a fire lit by the seaside (我需要在海边生起火)
[04:25.840] Purest manuka up in my beehive (我的蜂巢里所酿造的最纯正的麦卢卡蜂蜜)
[04:27.824] Give me a second, and let the beat ride (给我一秒钟 让节奏继续)
[04:32.117] Is there a golden key to the sweet life? (是否有开启甜蜜生活的金钥匙呢)
[04:33.771] I don't know what's gotten into me (我不知道自己怎么了)
[04:35.317] But, at least I'm makin' time for self and not others when I got free time (但 至少当我有空闲时间时 我会留给自己 而不是别人)
[04:38.597] New woman, don't tell me I shouldn't just because you couldn't (新来的女人 别因为你做不到 就告诉我不应该这样做)
[04:41.659] They say, "Don't you give up too much of the truth to 'em" (他们说 别告诉他们太多真相)
[04:44.124] Well, I got nine more songs in the boot for 'em (好吧 我为他们准备好了九首歌曲)
[04:46.533] Figure this is the moment, I got to speak now (我想是时候了 我现在就要说出来)
[04:48.897] Head high, back straight, feet down (抬头 挺直后背 站直)
[04:51.155] Posture goin' crazy (姿态变得疯狂)
[04:52.931] Had to stand tall while they were tryin' to break me (当他们尝试击倒我时 必须昂首挺胸)
[04:55.191] **** that, you niggas didn't make me (去他的 才不是你们这些人造就我)
[04:57.056] And, I say you will never infiltrate me (我会说 你们永远别别想渗透我)
[04:59.387] Dim my light? Are you crazy? (妄图打压我 你疯了吗)
[05:01.326] Yo, we too well to part, you know, lady, lady, lady (我们来自截然不同的世界 你知道的 女士 女士 女士 (引用上一张专辑的Two Worlds Apart))
[05:04.250] Flow and I comin' like Denivirois Corsayz (Flo和我就像DeNiro和Scorsese的完美搭档一样出现 (歌词是Flo/ 即Martin Scorsese和Robert De Niro 他们共合作了10部作品))
[05:06.503] Stop tryin' to box me, and there's no way you can place me (别妄想尝试困住我 别妄想将我安置在什么地方)
[05:08.936] Hit 'em with the classic then I got a little lazy (献上一张经典专辑 使他们大为震撼 然后我有些懒惰了)
[05:11.462] Had to get a pen when I remembered that I'm JAY-Z (当我想起我就是jayz本z时 我得拿起笔了)
[05:13.725] Had to cut you off because I found out you are snakey (得和你断绝关系 因为我发现为人阴险)
[05:16.285] I got Angels guidin' my steps, guardin' my life from now until death (我的天使为我指引前行方向 守护我的生命 直至生命最后一刻)
[05:21.028] Perspective is everything and I wonder what they see (看法决定一切 我想知晓他们是如何看待的)
[05:23.467] Hurt people, hurt people, I get it, but, don't play me (伤害他人 伤害他人 我知道是什么滋味 但别戏耍我)
[05:26.440] Mum sat and returnin' effect (我的人生进入了新的阶段 (歌词是My Saturn return in effect))
[05:29.001] Life doesn't come with pre-sets (生活并非预先安排好的)
[05:30.698] My frequency seems less (我的频率无比连贯)
[05:32.683] So, please don't take my kindness for a weakness (请不要将我的善良当作软弱)
[05:35.368] 'Cause, I got Angels (因为 我有天使的守护)


  歌曲名《Angel》,由 Little Simz 演唱,收录于《NO THANK YOU》专辑中。《Angel》下载,《Angel》在线试听,更多相关歌曲推荐尽在网易云音乐



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