
正在播放-Post-Party Syndrome(派对后综合症)

[00:06.13]制作人:黄子健 贾菲
[00:12.34]吉他:贾菲 陈长远
[00:18.82]录音工程师:郑伟冠 米线umeko
[00:28.42]"By far it's a wonderful Party, thank you all", she stood up to the Mic and said.“ (今晚的聚会大家玩的非常尽兴,谢谢各位的到来,”她起身走向麦克风说道)
[00:40.42]"It's been a pleasure back in the 20's tonight, but let's be on our way. " (“很高兴和各位回到了20年代漫游,但时候不早了,我们各自回家吧。”)
[00:53.29]Then she vanished into the crowds, with the glory of the old times (而后她隐迹于人群中,伴她而去的是旧日的光辉)
[01:05.98]Bonsoir, modern midnight, I'm ready to be drunk one more time. (晚安,摩登午夜,我还能在你的拥抱下再醉一轮)
[01:47.74]I'm a vagrant on the streets tonight, with smashed bottles scattered on the skyline. (今晚我是个街头的游民,和摔碎的酒瓶一同洒落在天际线上)
[02:00.39]How funny it is, when you're mourning the 20's yet you get a 30's in the pocket with only a dime (多讽刺啊,当你怀念罢20年代的奢悦你就让30年代的萧条抓个措手不及)
[02:26.14]Shirley Temple along the way (为秀兰邓波儿一路陪伴举杯)
[02:32.53]Shed a tear for moonshine bay (为倾倒一空的杂酒挥泪惋惜)
[02:38.96]Talk to me until the end (在黎明到来之前再与我相谈)
[02:44.53]I will still participate (我还会出现在下一次派对里)
[03:43.74]Shirley Temple along the way (为秀兰邓波儿一路陪伴举杯)
[03:50.07]Shed a tear for moonshine bay (为倾倒一空的杂酒挥泪惋惜)
[03:56.41]Talk to me until the end (在黎明到来之前再与我相谈)
[04:01.54]I will still participate (我还会出现在下一次派对里)


  歌曲名《Post-Party Syndrome(派对后综合症)》,由 鬼冢猫 Great John's Cat 演唱,收录于《鬼冢猫旅行手册》专辑中。《Post-Party Syndrome(派对后综合症)》下载,《Post-Party S



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