
正在播放-The Poetic Edda (feat. Ben Duerr)

[00:00.000] 作词 : Sam Melchior/Blake Mullens/Ville Hokkanen (一:预知)
[00:00.000] 作曲 : Sam Melchior/Blake Mullens/Rene Gerbrandij
[00:00.000]I: Premonition
[00:34.702]Sunset before plague and pestilence (瘟疫之前的日落)
[00:37.778]Gnawing their tongues with nails and teeth (指甲与舌头在纠缠)
[00:40.855]Anguish and vindication for their fate (痛苦与自证包围他们的命运)
[00:44.264]Beneath the blackened sky (在漆黑的天空下)
[00:46.088]Legions of ice and decay gather and march forth (冰与腐烂的凝结遍布)
[00:52.530]Everfrost rising from the depths (永冻的万物从深处升起)
[00:54.391]The dead shall soon roam the earth (死神将会在地球上游荡)
[01:36.231]II: Siege (二:围攻)
[01:40.538]I abide by the chaos we uphold (我接受我们身处的混乱之中)
[01:43.239]Execute thy will on thy liege (为君主执行意志)
[01:58.148]Watchman of the gods (众神的守护者)
[01:59.121]Go forth, sound your horn (去吧,吹响你的号角)
[02:00.227]The final sun to rise before death foretold (死亡前最后一轮太阳升起)
[02:03.843]Beyond the walls of this fortress (越过这座堡垒的围墙)
[02:05.764]Beyond this chaos shield (越过这个混沌屏障)
[02:06.995]The twilight of the gods awaits (诸神的黄昏在等待)
[02:09.456]It has arrived (现已降临)
[02:10.490]The skies will weep with blood (天空被鲜血染成深色)
[02:12.532]The final stage of mankind are now at hand (人类的终章即将到来)
[02:15.609]We shall meet at the fields of warfare (我们将在战场上会合)
[02:18.685]Where claw will clash against steel (钢与铁相碰撞的地方)
[02:22.992]Open the gates (打开大门)
[02:25.453]Unleash what lies within (释放内在的力量)
[02:27.134]Beyond the underworld he awaits our call (在冥界之外,他在等待我们的召唤)
[02:30.075]Take up arms and bring an end to the age of gods (拿起武器,结束众神的时代)
[02:37.137]Bring forth the slaughter, the serpents dissolve (大开杀戒,消灭毒蛇鬼怪)
[02:40.306]This is where your life will cease to exist (你的生命将就此不复存在)
[03:00.525]III: Wrath (三:愤怒)
[03:06.459]Oh, great warriors from the wars before (以往战争中的伟大战士们)
[03:10.369]Feeders of the raven, come forth (乌鸦的喂食者,都出来吧)
[03:13.721]Bid farewell to this final bastion (告别这最后的堡垒)
[03:16.950]Destiny awaits (命运在等着我们)
[03:30.278]Forces of chaos are eagerly awaiting (混沌的力量正急切地等待着)
[03:34.211]Gjallarhorn transforms into its true form (加拉尔变成了它的真实形态)
[03:36.826]The gates open wide (城门大开)
[03:38.665]All realms run and hide (所有的人都会逃跑和躲藏)
[03:40.190]Take up arms and fight (拿起武器战斗)
[03:41.810]Rise, my army of death (战斗吧,我的死亡军团)
[03:55.285]Reclaim your home (夺回家园)
[04:06.576]At last, bring forth the end (最后,直面结局)
[04:23.416]Wolf, don't you come near (野狼不要靠近)
[04:26.273]His sickness has tolled, his burrow is cold (浑身中伤,巢穴阴冷)
[04:28.255]And still, he trots (却仍在奔跑)
[04:29.126]Wolf, don't you come near (野狼不要靠近)
[04:32.113]His hunger is tearing and he can not bear it (无法忍受的饥饿袭来)
[04:33.433]But still, he trots (却仍在奔跑)
[04:34.958]Leper without a cure, crippled stillborn (麻风病人无药可医,病胎诞生)
[04:40.809]Lifetimes of tragedy mine at your core (你的内中充斥了我的悲剧)
[04:52.370]IV: Ash (四:灰烬)
[05:00.065]A kingdom consumed by flames (王国被火焰吞噬)
[05:02.351]By divine obliteration (这是一种神圣毁灭)
[05:04.812]Darkness reigns as palaces burn and oceans run red (黑暗笼罩着宫殿燃烧着,海洋变成了红色)
[05:10.847]Only ash shall remain (只有灰尘漂浮)
[05:26.141]The final strife, o' gods of yore (最后的战役,昔日的众神)
[05:29.247]Plunged into ice, sunk through the water (掉进冰里,沉入水中)
[05:34.032]An ageless winter endures (永恒的冬日来袭)
[05:38.827]Slicing through the skin (地面撕裂)
[05:40.183]Remorseless, purging of life (无情地清除一切生命)
[05:42.121]Libertine-lust bastard of flesh (放荡不羁的人们)
[05:44.267]You will now end (故事已划下句点)


  歌曲名《The Poetic Edda (feat. Ben Duerr)》,由 Synestia、Disembodied Tyrant、Ben Duerr 演唱,收录于《The Poetic Edda (Singles)》专辑中。《The



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