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[00:16.300]Crimson flames tied through my ears (深红色的火舌舔舐我的双耳)
[00:19.510]Rolling high and mighty traps (纵有重重陷阱我仍翻滚前行)
[00:23.660]Countless violent flaming roads (奋不顾身扑向燃烧着的前路)
[00:27.100]Using ideas as my maps (只因有信念将我指引)
[00:31.010]"We'll meet on edges soon" said I (“我们很快就会到达胜利的彼岸。”我这样说着)
[00:34.710]Proud 'neath heated brow (眉宇间意气风发)
[00:37.930]Ahh, but I was so much older then (啊,昔日我曾苍老)
[00:41.950]I'm younger than that, now (如今才风华正茂)
[00:47.750]Half-wracked prejudice leaped forth (那些残留的偏见总在脑中闪现)
[00:51.310]Rip down all hate, I screamed (“把所有憎恨的东西都撕碎!”我咆哮着)
[00:55.290]Lies that life is black and white (宣称“人生非黑即白”的谎言)
[00:58.330]Spoke from my skull, I dreamed (不过是一时脑热脱口而出的呓语)
[01:02.450]Romantic facts of musketeers (“三个火枪手”般的浪漫故事)
[01:05.770]Foundationed deep somehow (不知为何,总是深入人心)
[01:09.410]Ahh, but I was so much older then (啊,昔日我曾苍老)
[01:13.220]I'm younger than that now (如今才风华正茂)
[01:19.160]Girls' faces formed the forward path (前路上只见女孩们的面容)
[01:22.420]From phony jealousy (出于那虚伪的忌妒之心)
[01:26.570]To memorizing politics (应记取那些久远的)
[01:29.650]Of ancient history (政治斗争的历史中)
[01:34.030]Flung down by corpse evangelists (布道者尸骸枕籍)
[01:37.120]Unthought of, though somehow (但不知为何,我竟视而不见)
[01:40.530]Ahh, but I was so much older then (啊,昔日我曾苍老)
[01:44.930]I'm younger than that now (如今才风华正茂)
[02:22.610]A self-ordained professor's tongue (端着一副自以为是的教授似的腔调)
[02:25.730]Too serious to fool (严肃到似乎无法愚弄)
[02:29.500]Spouted out that liberty (信誓旦旦说着的所谓自由啊)
[02:33.470]Is just equality in school (不过只存在教科书里)
[02:37.330]Equality, I spoke the word (我口口声声念叨着“平等”)
[02:40.930]As if a wedding vow (就像念叨善变的婚誓)
[02:44.270]Ahh, but I was so much older then (啊,昔日我曾苍老)
[02:48.340]I'm younger than that now (如今才风华正茂)
[02:54.170]In a soldier's stance, I aimed my hand (像个斗士一般,我将矛头指向)
[02:57.510]At the mongrel dogs who teach (那些高高在上的鼠辈杂碎)
[03:01.470]Fearing not that I'd become my enemy (在夸夸其谈地说教的时候)
[03:04.550]In the instant that I preach (哪怕推翻自己也毫无所畏)
[03:08.400]My existence led by confusion boats (我的人生像一条迷途的航船)
[03:12.360]Mutiny from stern to bow (开始桀骜不驯,终究还是弯下身躯)
[03:15.810]Ahh, but I was so much older then (啊,昔日我曾苍老)
[03:19.760]I'm younger than that now (如今才风华正茂)
[03:25.480]Yes, my guard stood hard when abstract threats (是的,感受着那些虚无的威胁,我总是斗志昂扬)
[03:29.420]Too noble to neglect (道德上的优越让我忘乎所以)
[03:33.230]Deceived me into thinking (让我误以为)
[03:35.590]I had something to protect (我有着保护什么的责任)
[03:40.380]Good and bad, I define these terms (不知为何,善与恶,我将它们区分得)
[03:44.140]Quite clear, no doubt somehow (明白无误,泾渭分明)
[03:47.320]Ahh, but I was so much older then (啊,昔日我曾苍老)
[03:51.700]I'm younger than that now (如今才风华正茂)


  歌曲名《My Back Pages》,由 Bob Dylan、Roger McGuinn、Tom Petty、Neil Young、Eric Clapton、George Harrison 演唱,收录于《Bob Dylan The 30th



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