
正在播放-To Be By Your Side

[00:09.60]Across the oceans Across the seas, (飞过江河和湖海,)
[00:12.60]Over forests of blackened trees, (越过荆棘和密林,)
[00:15.50]Through valleys so still we dare not breathe, (穿过深山和幽谷,)
[00:18.100]To be by your side. (为了回到你身边。)
[00:22.20]Over the shifting desert plains, (不畏无边的沙漠,)
[00:25.300]Across mountains all in flames, (不惧山巅的骄阳,)
[00:28.20]Through howling winds and driving rains, (迎着呼啸的寒风,冒着倾盆的大雨 ,)
[00:31.60]To be by your side. (只为回到你身边。)
[00:35.700]Every mile and every year, for every one a little tear. (举步维艰的苦涩,日夜兼程的辛酸,)
[00:42.300]I cannot explain this, Dear, I will not even try. (纵万语千言也难以言表,但亲爱的心爱的,这都不值一提。)
[00:49.10]Into the night as the stars collide, (夜幕覆盖星辰的夜里,)
[00:52.300]Across the borders that divide forests of stone standing petrified, (飞过阴森怵慄的钢铁水泥森林,)
[00:58.60]To be by your side. (飞向你身边。)
[01:02.10]Every mile and every year, for every one a single tear, (夜以继日的跋涉,经年累月的奔徙,)
[01:08.600]I cannot explain this, Dear, I will not even try. (个中甘苦虽刻骨铭心,但亲爱的热爱的,这都微不足道。)
[01:21.60]For I know one thing, Love comes on a wing. (因为我深知,是爱给了我翅膀。)
[01:36.60]For tonight I will be by your side,But tomorrow I will fly. (在今夜,日落黄昏后,我将回到你身边,但明天,黎明破晓时,我将再次远行。)
[01:55.200]From the deepest ocean to the highest peak, (从马里亚纳到珠穆朗玛,)
[01:59.200]Through the frontiers of your sleep, (掠过你温柔的梦境,)
[02:02.300]Into the valley where we dare not speak, (我屏住内心的呼喊,)
[02:05.600]To be by your side. (多么渴望回到你身边。)
[02:09.60]Across the endless wilderness where all the beasts bow down their heads. (飞越无尽的荒野,在那苍茫之上,毒蛇猛兽也蠕行于我脚下。)
[02:15.60]Darling I will never rest till I am by your side. (亲爱的深爱的,我将永不停歇,直到回到你身边。)
[02:22.800]Every mile and every year, Time and distance disappear , (斗转星移间的每一里征程,沧海桑田上的每一个春秋,)
[02:29.200]I cannot explain this,Dear. No, I would not even try. (虽历历在目却无以名状,是的,亲爱的挚爱的,这都无足轻重。)
[02:41.600]And I know just one thing, Love comes on a wing,and tonight I will be by your side. (因为我始终坚信,爱,会随着双翼在今晚如期而至。)
[03:03.600]But tomorrow I will fly away, (但明天我便要再次启程,)
[03:11.200]Love rises with the day,and tonight I may be by your side. (爱,与日俱增,离别,却近在咫尺。)
[03:27.800]But tomorrow I will fly, Tomorrow I will fly, Tomorrow I will fly. (明天我就将展翅远行,继续追寻,继续怀念。)


  歌曲名《To Be By Your Side》,由 Bruno Coulais 演唱,收录于《Le peuple migrateur》专辑中。《To Be By Your Side》下载,《To Be By Your Side》在线试听,更



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