
正在播放-Same Love

[00:42.400]When I was in the third grade I thought that I was gay (小学三年级的时候我以为自己是同性恋)
[00:45.210]‘Cause I could draw, my uncle was, and I kept my room straight (因为我会画画,我叔叔也是,而且我的房间很干净)
[00:47.800]I told my mom tears rushing down my face (我哭着告诉我妈妈)
[00:50.750]She’s like “Ben you've loved girls since before pre-k tripping,” (可她说“别傻了本你学前就喜欢女孩子了”)
[00:54.640]Yeah, I guess she had a point, didn’t she? (是啊,她说得确实没错)
[00:57.190]Bunch of stereotypes all in my head. (我只有自己脑海里的刻板印象)
[00:59.390]I remember doing the math like, “Yeah, I’m good at little league” (我以前还以为数学好就能参加少年棒球)
[01:02.180]A preconceived idea of what it all meant (靠着自己的偏见曲解真相)
[01:04.730]But those that liked the same sex (因为喜欢同性的人)
[01:06.490]Had the characteristics (有一些相同的特征)
[01:07.900]The right wing conservatives think it’s a decision (保守的右派就觉得这是他们的选择)
[01:10.540]And you can be cured with some treatment and religion (觉得他们可以被治愈被救赎)
[01:13.490]Man made rewiring of a predisposition (强行扭曲一个天生的倾向)
[01:16.080]Playing god, aw nah here we go (假扮上帝,你看)
[01:19.780]America the brave still fears what we don’t know (勇敢的美利坚还是害怕自己不了解的东西)
[01:22.180]And god loves all his children, is somehow forgotten (“上帝爱他所有的儿女”不知为何被忘却)
[01:24.480]But we paraphrase a book written thirty-five-hundred years ago (但人们还是会引用一本3500年前写的书里的话)
[01:28.320]I don’t know (我已经不明白了)
[01:29.760]And I can’t change (我改变不了自己)
[01:35.200]Even if I tried (就算我去尝试)
[01:37.760]Even if I wanted to (就算我想去改变)
[01:40.790]I can't change (我改变不了自己)
[01:43.340]Even if I try (就算我去尝试)
[01:46.140]Even if I wanted to (就算我想去改变)
[01:50.020]My love (我爱的人)
[01:50.570]My love (我爱的人)
[01:51.270]My love (我爱的人)
[01:52.120]She keeps me warm (她使我温暖)
[01:54.960]She keeps me warm (她使我温暖)
[01:57.800]She keeps me warm (她使我温暖)
[02:00.620]She keeps me warm (她使我温暖)
[02:05.070]If I was gay, I would think hip-hop hates me (如果我是同性恋我会觉得嘻哈乐憎恶我们)
[02:07.970]Have you read the YouTube comments lately (你有没有读过最近视频下面的评论)
[02:10.560]"Man, that’s gay" gets dropped on the daily (天天都能看到人们用“基佬”这个词侮辱别人)
[02:13.310]We become so numb to what we’re saying (我们已经对自己的言语麻木了)
[02:15.760]A culture founded from oppression (一个从压迫中产生的文化)
[02:17.310]Yet we don’t have acceptance for ‘em (却还是学不会如何接受他人)
[02:18.910]Call each other faggots behind the keys of a message board (躲在留言板后面当叫别人变态基佬的键盘侠)
[02:21.620]A word rooted in hate, yet our genre still ignores it (一个由恨产生的词语,但嘻哈却熟若无睹)
[02:25.090]Gay is synonymous with the lesser (似乎同性恋就是天生低人一等)
[02:27.880]It’s the same hate that’s caused wars from religion (这种恨意爆发了宗教的战争)
[02:30.340]Gender to skin color, the complexion of your pigment (还有性别和肤色,你色素的成分)
[02:33.100]The same fight that led people to walk outs and sit ins (这种斗争让人们持续游行示威)
[02:35.790]It’s human rights for everybody, there is no difference! (人人都应该有相同的权利!)
[02:38.690]Live on and be yourself (活下去,做自己)
[02:41.430]When I was at church they taught me something else (我在教堂里学到了些东西)
[02:44.020]If you preach hate at the service those words aren’t anointed (传播恨意的话语不会被上帝祝福)
[02:47.480]That holy water that you soak in has been poisoned (你浸着的圣水也会被玷污)
[02:49.870]When everyone else is more comfortable remaining voiceless (所有人宁愿舒适地无声)
[02:52.820]Rather than fighting for humans that have had their rights stolen (也不愿为失去了权利的人类斗争)
[02:55.850]I might not be the same, but that’s not important (我或许跟他们不同但那无关紧要)
[02:59.250]No freedom till we’re equal, damn right I support it (没有平等就没有自由,这是我的信仰)
[03:11.890]And I can’t change (我改变不了自己)
[03:14.540]Even if I tried (就算我去尝试)
[03:17.280]Even if I wanted to (就算我想去改变)
[03:21.220]My love (我爱的人)
[03:21.910]My love (我爱的人)
[03:22.210]My love (我爱的人)
[03:22.710]She keeps me warm (她使我温暖)
[03:25.510]She keeps me warm (她使我温暖)
[03:28.350]She keeps me warm (她使我温暖)
[03:31.800]She keeps me warm (她使我温暖)
[03:36.710]We press play, don’t press pause (选择了开始就不要停下)
[03:39.160]Progress, march on (为了进步要继续前行)
[03:40.560]With the veil over our eyes (用面纱盖住双眼)
[03:42.000]We turn our back on the cause (假装问题不存在)
[03:43.690]Till the day that my uncles can be united by law (但总有一天我的两个叔叔会合法地在一起)
[03:46.020]when kids are walking around the hallway plagued by pain in their heart (在走廊里徘徊的孩子们被心痛所吞噬)
[03:49.180]A world so hateful some would rather die than be who they are (因为在这个糟糕的世界里死亡比做自己要轻松)
[03:56.630]And a certificate on paper isn’t gonna solve it all (一张结婚证书无法解决一切)
[03:57.630]But it’s a damn good place to start (但我们至少可以从这里开始)
[04:00.920]No law is gonna change us (法律改变不了我们)
[04:02.070]We have to change us (我们要改变自己)
[04:02.770]Whatever god you believe in (无论你信仰哪个神)
[04:03.250]We come from the same one (我们都是由同一个所创造)
[04:04.360]Strip away the fear (褪去恐惧的外皮)
[04:05.970]Underneath it’s all the same love (你的内心跳动着同一份爱)
[04:06.830]About time that we raised up (我们是时候站起来了)
[04:08.770]And I can’t change (我改变不了自己)
[04:14.510]Even if I tried (就算我去尝试)
[04:16.520]Even if I wanted to (就算我想去改变)
[04:19.660]I can't change (我改变不了自己)
[04:22.110]Even if I try (就算我去尝试)
[04:26.160]Even if I wanted to (就算我想去改变)
[04:30.000]My love (我爱的人)
[04:30.500]My love (我爱的人)
[04:30.790]My love (我爱的人)
[04:31.450]She keeps me warm (她使我温暖)
[04:34.400]She keeps me warm (她使我温暖)
[04:37.190]She keeps me warm (她使我温暖)
[04:40.040]She keeps me warm (她使我温暖)
[04:44.600]Love is patient (爱即宽容)
[04:47.100]Love is kind (爱即善)
[04:49.930]Love is patient (爱即宽容)
[04:52.730]Love is kind (爱即善)
[04:54.730](I‘m not crying on Sundays) ((我再也不会在主日哭泣))
[04:55.980]Love is patient (爱即宽容)
[04:57.440](I‘m not crying on Sundays) ((我再也不会在主日哭泣))
[04:58.780]Love is kind (爱即善)
[05:00.520](I‘m not crying on Sundays) ((我再也不会在主日哭泣))
[05:01.580]Love is patient (爱即宽容)
[05:03.420](I‘m not crying on Sundays) ((我再也不会在主日哭泣))
[05:04.260]Love is kind (爱即善)
[05:05.720](I‘m not crying on Sundays) ((我再也不会在主日哭泣))
[05:06.920]Love is patient (爱即宽容)
[05:08.560](I‘m not crying on Sundays) ((我再也不会在主日哭泣))
[05:09.720]Love is kind (爱即善)
[05:11.110](I‘m not crying on Sundays) ((我再也不会在主日哭泣))
[05:12.570]Love is patient (爱即宽容)
[05:15.140]Love is kind (爱即善)


  歌曲名《Same Love》,由 Macklemore & Ryan Lewis、Mary Lambert 演唱,收录于《Same Love》专辑中。《Same Love》下载,《Same Love》在线试听,更多相关歌曲推荐尽在网易云音乐



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