
正在播放-A Special Kind Of Hero(1986年世界杯主题曲)

[00:01.600]Argentina, Argentina, Argentina...,,…… (阿根廷阿根廷阿根廷)
[00:05.950]AH...…… (啊)
[00:10.440]Living for a very special sign (为一个特殊的标志而存在)
[00:17.640]Telling of a very special time (去讲述那一段非凡的时代)
[00:26.290]Leaving just the chance to stake a claim (只剩最后一次机会来主宰)
[00:30.910]In a very different kind of game (在这非同一般的比赛中)
[00:34.630]Just one chance to be held up high (赢的机会只有一次)
[00:40.680]Or be cut down (抑或前功尽弃)
[00:46.090]Sink or swim, swim or drown, (力争上游抑或不进则退)
[00:54.860]Can you see the gap between right and wrong (对和错是否能看清)
[00:59.300]Tearful sounds and a joyful song (喜极而泣和那凯旋之歌)
[01:04.570]Reaching for the hands of love (向爱之手靠近)
[01:08.680]Hoping to be pulled from up above (希望被高高托起)
[01:12.250]My friend (朋友)
[01:14.590]to be a special kind of hero (要做一个别样的英雄)
[01:19.650]My new found game (这是我新开始的比赛)
[01:22.610]to be a special kind of hero (做一个别样的英雄)
[01:27.860]I need you (我需要你)
[01:30.840]need you with me (你我一起互相引领)
[01:34.980]My hero (我的英雄)
[01:39.010]how you bring me (你怎样为我唤醒)
[01:43.150]Feelings like I cannot explain (那我所无法表达的感情)
[01:47.280]Warmth that feeds from my pain? (有如在我伤痛时滋生的温馨)
[01:51.240]Capturing moments in time (及时抓住每一个时机的降临)
[01:55.340]That the world can never replace (这是世界无法取代的光阴)
[01:59.660]Forever suspended in space (永世凝结在一瞬)
[02:03.520]Moments of a very special kind (等待非比寻常的时刻)
[02:18.230]Immortalize an aspect of the mind (让信念从此永恒和安宁)
[02:26.190]Moving past limits of those above (超越过去的种种限制)
[02:31.560]Guided by the visions of the strong (为强者的视野所指引)
[02:36.340]Into places never seen before (进入从未见过的神秘之域)
[02:40.120]Where I can be a certain kind (在那里我可以成为那样)
[02:47.610]I want to be a hero in my mind (成为我心目中的英雄)
[02:56.100]With very special guidance from above (借助天国的特别指引)
[03:00.880]and very precious moments of my love (把珍爱中的宝贵瞬间凝固)


  歌曲名《A Special Kind Of Hero》,别名《1986年世界杯主题曲》,由 Stephanie Lawrence 演唱,收录于《A Special Kind of Hero》专辑中。《A Special Kind Of He



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