

[01:38.93]Sometimes life's going to hit you in the head with a brick (有时,生活会给你迎头一击)
[01:41.99]Don't lose faith (别气馁)
[01:43.74]I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going (我很清楚那唯一使我坚持下去的就是)
[01:46.25]Was that I loved what I did (我对所做之事的热爱)
[01:47.89]You've got to find what you love (你必须去寻找自己所爱)
[01:49.96]And that is true for work as it is for your lovers (无论是对于工作 还是爱情,都是如此)
[01:53.46]Your work's going to fill a large part of your life (工作将会占据你生活的大部分时间)
[01:56.08]And the only way to be truly satisfied (要真正获得满足感)
[01:58.26]Is to do what you believe is great work (就要去做你认为是不错的工作)
[02:00.77]And the only way to do great work (而要做不错的工作)
[02:02.63]Is to love what you do (就应该去爱你正在做的工作)
[02:04.61]If you haven't found it yet (要是你还没有找到)
[02:06.23]Keep looking, and don't settle (继续找下去,别停下)
[02:09.07]As with all matters of the heart (只要倾听自己内心的声音)
[02:10.93]You'll know when you find it (当你找到时,你会感觉到)
[02:12.78]And, like any great relationship (就像任何伟大的关系一样)
[02:14.64]It just gets better and better as the years roll on (岁月的更迭只会让情谊越发深厚)
[02:17.59]So keep looking, don't settle (所以一定不要放弃,继续寻找下去,)
[03:11.21]My third story was about death (我的第三个故事是有关死亡的)
[03:14.81]When I was 17 (当我17岁时)
[03:16.56]I read a quote that went something like (我读到一句话,好像是)
[03:18.85]"if you live each day as if it was your last (如果你把每一天都当作最后一天来过)
[03:21.36]Someday you'll most certainly be right." (那么总有一天你是对的)
[03:26.60]It made an impression on me (这句话给我印象很深)
[03:28.46]And since then, for the past 33 years (在之后的33年中)
[03:31.08]I've looked in mirror every morning and asked myself (每个早晨我都对着镜子自问)
[03:33.92]If today were the last day of my life (假如今天是我生命的末日)
[03:36.32]Would I want to do what I'm about to do today (我还会想去做 我今天打算要去做的事吗)
[03:39.93]And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row (如果连续几天我的回答都是“不”)
[03:43.42]I know I need to change something (我就明白 我需要改变了)
[03:46.26]Remembering that I'll be dead soon (记住“你即将死去”)
[03:48.06]Is the most important tool I've ever encountered (使我受益匪浅)
[03:50.66]To help me make the big choices in life (令我明智地在人生重大问题中作出抉择)
[03:53.58]Because almost everything (因为几乎所有的东西)
[03:55.43]All external expectations, all pride (所有额外的期许,骄傲)
[03:58.16]All fear of embarrassment of failure (所有对失败后引来尴尬的畏惧)
[04:00.56]These things just fall away in the face of death (这些感觉在死亡面前只会消失)
[04:03.84]Leaving only what is truly important (剩下的才是重要的)
[04:06.57]Remembering that you're going to die (记住自己总会死去)
[04:08.65]Is the best way I know (是我所知的最好的方法)
[04:10.72]To avoid the trap of thinking (去避免陷入思维的怪圈)
[04:12.58]You have something to lose (总是去计较自己的得失)
[04:45.56]No one wants to die (没有人想要死去)
[04:47.74]Even people who want to go to Heaven (就是那些想上天堂的人)
[04:49.81]Don't want die to get there (也不想通过死到达天堂)
[04:51.92]And yet, death is the destination we all share (然而,死亡是人类所共享的终点站)
[04:55.71]No one has ever escaped it (没有人曾逃脱过死亡的命运)
[04:57.79]And that is, as it should be (而且它本该如此)
[04:59.97]Because death is every likely the single best invention of life (因为死亡就像是生命中最好的发明)
[05:04.67]It's life's change agent (它作为生命的代理人)
[05:06.30]It clears out the old to make way for the new (清理老者,以此为新生让路)
[05:09.47]Right now, the new is you (而现在,你们代表着新生)
[05:14.53]Your time is limited (你们的时间有限)
[05:16.03]So don't waste it living in someone else's life (所以不要浪费在过别人的生活上)
[05:20.17]Don't be trapped by dogma (不要被教条束缚)
[05:22.26]which is living with the results of other people's thinking (那只是根据别人的思维结果而生活)
[05:25.52]Don't let the noise and others' opinions drown out your own inner voice (别让别人的噪音和想法淹没了自己内心的声音)
[05:29.67]And most important (最重要的是)
[05:31.20]Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition (你要有勇气去听从你的直觉和内心的真实想法)
[05:33.93]They somehow already know (其实它们早已知晓)
[05:36.01]What you truly want to become (你想要成为什么样的人)
[05:38.19]Everything else is secondary (世间其他的一切都是次要的)


  歌曲名《L.I.F.E》,由 Rous 演唱,收录于《500 Days》专辑中。《L.I.F.E》下载,《L.I.F.E》在线试听,更多相关歌曲推荐尽在网易云音乐



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